The start

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"I dreamt i was a naked man on a dolpahn." Peter said at Louis' funeral. Standing on top of the podium. "He he hea ha ha ha." As Peter went down from the stand, everyone pulled out their m-90s and just looked at Peter, dead ass quiet spread throughout the building. Until Louis rose from the dead and yelled "PEEEETAAAH!" Shaggy reached for his dessert eagle, and shot, but he missed, and he missed again, this went on for several hours. Until he ran out of bullets, and got sad, not because of the bullets, but because Peter already murdered Louis in the face.

"Radical." Said a large green ogre man in the back row of the floor. As the man exited the room to take a fat ogre dump, Peter noticed something about that man. Was it his eyes, no his eyelids covered them. Was it his smile, no he didn't smile. Peter relized what it was as he shouted "IT WASN'T HIS WIENER, IT WAS THE LOUD MUSIC PLAYING ALL-STAR!" The room was empty, due to the stinch of broke. Peter knew the ogre man left already, so trying to talk to him was homo. He also knew that his car was a gay fag and no one likes one of them queers, am i right fam, or am i right fam? He could only do one thing!!!!! Burn Louis' body. "Gotta hid the evidence." He said as the cops pulled up to the funeral. So he used his Naruto skills for good use, and got the hecc out of there.

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