something like robin hood || zuctorious

298 19 2

|| Requested by @MyNameaYunnie xoxo ||

People simultaneously talking filled the air, footsteps clacked and thumped against the ground. Items shifted and shuffled in bags people carried as they're bought from marketeers. Tents from big to small holds food, jewelries, trinkets; anything anyone could think of to sell. Some people even used their cars to sell their items and even carts! Though that's probably to give the ol' medieval times feel in this weird farmer's market.

Young, kind and strapping would be the most ideal traits a man could hold but alas, not for this peculiar man. He's young at the age of twenty-two and showed kindness unless given a reason otherwise. But to be strapping? Big? Strong? That's not what you see when you first look at a man named Matt. The only points some people would credit him would be his stubble.

Walking around the farmer's market—more like not bumping into anyone too much—Matt started to feel himself a bit strained. The constant talking, people crowding around him, it was getting to be somewhat too much.

A hard shove almost sent him tumbling to the ground but caught himself from falling. When he went to apologize, the other man beat him to it but his response was not what Matt expected.

"Oi, watch where you're going!" his tone irritated, annoyed. He looked to be around Matt's age and held an ugly scowl. Fairly average looking but not bad—being pale with short, brown hair—wearing normal civilian clothes and a backpack. Nothing out of the ordinary.

As much as Matt wanted to make a snarky remark, he bit back his retort and did his best to put on an apologetic look. "Sorry for the troubles—my fault. I should've paid more attention."

He looked at Matt—tired eyes gazed into his—and gave a sigh. Before another word could be said, angry shouts rose over the chatter. Looking over, a few people were pushing through the crowds towards them and they could see faces far angrier than the one Matt was looking at moments ago.

"Mason, you fucking prick! Come back here and pay for the shit you took!"

"You two best be getting back here or else!"

"For fuck's sake..." Mason cursed underneath his breath. He grabbed Matt's hand and started running. "C'mon!"

Matt stumbled but caught himself in time to run behind the guy he now knows is Mason. Listening past the angry shouts and the crowd talking, Mason's backpack clunked with each step he took.

They ran through the crowd, past shoppers minding their own businesses and bumping into them as they ran past. Matt did his best to apologize as angry huffs and startled cries sounded but there were too many people and not enough time for him to catch his breath.

The angry shouts disappeared as well as the two men running which Mason made a hard turn into a winding alleyway. The chatter became quieter until all you could hear were footsteps pounding against the ground and ragged breathing as the two men stopped to catch their breaths.

"What the hell was that about?!" Matt glared at Mason, his sentence breaking every now and then with every huff he made. "You didn't had to drag me along."

"No," Mason straightened his posture and started walking away, "but I'm sure you didn't want to deal with those sellers."

Matt sighed but didn't say anything else, knowing he's right. He looked back in the direction he came from and then followed Mason. Once he caught up, he asked, "Where are you going?"

He adjusted the straps of his backpack. "Somewhere."


"Somewhere important."

Matt hummed, pondering over what this important place could be. A meeting? But with who? Friends? Family? Something business related? He probably shouldn't have followed him in the first place.

He almost didn't notice but Mason had veered off to the side where several trash bins sat against the wall. Some leaned against others, some laid on its side while others still stood straight up.

"Hold this for me," Mason took his backpack off and gave it to Matt, "and keep a lookout. I hid a backpack around here."

Matt nodded his head and turned around, getting his guard up. Behind him, he heard Mason muttered, "Hopefully no one took it."

The backpack in his hands wasn't fancy or anything, just a normal backpack with a few rips but felt heavier than expected. What the hell's in this? He decided to voice his question out loud.

"Bunch of cans and can openers. Take a look if ya want; it's nothing special."

The sound of the zipper sounded as he undid the zipper and looked in the bag. It was just as Mason said, cans of food and can openers with labels telling what they contain.

"Found it!" Matt turned around to see Mason holding a backpack similar to the one he's holding. Mason looked up and held his backpack towards Matt. "This one has water bottles."

Matt chuckled, zipping the bag up. "So you stole a bunch of food cans from those angry sellers, huh? I'm guessing you took those water bottles as well."

"Yeah," he shrugged. "I don't keep the shit I steal though, I just give it away to those who need it." He looked down at the backpack he held and gave a sigh. "It's not fun being hungry."

He looked up when a hand clasped his shoulder, Matt giving a comforting smile as he rubbed his shoulder. "Well, I think we shouldn't keep them waiting." He shrugged on the backpack with the cans of food and openers. "Let's go!"

Mason shook his head, a grin etched onto his face. He put on his backpack containing the water bottles and linked his arm with Matt's. "Then let's get going."

Thanks for 800+ reads and Yunnie being my first request! I appreciate ya :D This was originally going to be made into an actual story with its own book but I made the plot turn from Robin Hood to Rapunzel. Its left me shook haha

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