Ch. 4-A Ranger is Captured

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Power Rangers: Dino Thunder 

Maroon Thunder 

Chapter 4 - A Ranger is Captured

A few days had gone by since the discovery of the identity of the Stego Ranger and Conner, Ethan, and Kira were heading to the Cybercafé in hopes that they could catch up with their new friend Adrianne so that they could continue their secret mission to protect her at all cost from the White Dino Ranger Clone and the monster Felincelot who want to kidnap her and take her to their master Lord Mesagog to up the ante on the superheroes. When they arrived, they found Trent going about his job as usual and the future writer busing tables that had previously been left by its occupants just a few minutes before. Confused by the situation, they went up to the bar where Haley was at and the Red Ranger asked, "Hey, is Adrianne helping you out or something?"

"It could be something," the MIT grad answered, a sly expression on her face. "Or it could be the most perfect way of protecting her from the forces of evil."

"Wait, are you saying that you hired her to work at the café?," Kira clarified, sort of getting the hint.

"Yep," the supergenius replied, smiling. "I figured that since we have to protect her by any means necessary, then what better than a job here so that I and Trent can keep an eye on her constantly and not have another worry more. And Tommy thought it would be a good idea also so yesterday was her first day on. And she's really good too. At least now with the extra help the stress can get cut a bit."

The three turning around and watching the working duo in action, and were quite impressed with the way the two employees switched out jobs, made each others' drink orders, and bused each others' tables. When a moment of peace presented itself, the two came up to their friends, with Adrianne greeting, "Hey guys, didn't even see you come in I was that busy. I gotta say when Haley offered the job to me earlier yesterday I never knew that I could be this good at it."

"I agree," Trent concured. "Before I almost went nuts with all the stuff that was ordered but Adria here it was like there was another me here."

But of course that hit a little too close to home for the Rangers' taste, but they let it brush itself off for the time being. But that was just the start when the maroon-claded girl commented, "You know when you guys headed off to whatever it was that you headed off to a few days ago, I left a few minutes after confused about why you did when all of a sudden two guys, one in a weird white costume and the other that was wearing a mix of a cat, a knight, and a computer, then the guy in white sent the tabby in shining armor off then he and I fought with me the victor and him running for the hills. It was so strange that it's still bothering me today."

The heroes were already aware of the situation with the video that they saw that same afternoon a few days before, and as instructed in case she did bring it up, Ethan played dumb and replied, "Whoah, seriously? I'm surprised that you made it out. If it were me, I would probably be on the ground in the first five seconds."

"Well, either way it was by far the weirdest thing that happened to me in my entire life," the new girl stated deciding to get off the topic then noticed that a couple more customers had walked in. "Oh, that's the cue. Be right back."

As she walked over to the people who had just come in, Kira said, "If she's able to defeat the evil White Ranger in a single battle, then she could be the ticket we need to stopping Mesagog once and for all."

"But it could mean the ticket to defeating us if he gets his hands on her," Conner pointed out. "That's why we need to make sure that she's with at least one of us at all time so that a chance encounter can be prevented."

"Conner's right," Trent agreed. "It could fall either way. We have to stay on guard for any possibility that another fight for her may turn up."

The four noticed that the place was getting a bit noiser than it was before, then the white-claded young man heard his coworker call out, "Trent, the rush is starting to pick up again. I could really use your help with it."

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