Chapter One Getting My Hair Did

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So I'm going to be starting a Jalex story now! I Don't know why I just got a urge to write jalex because whenever I'm listening to a song by All Time Low I imagine Alex singing it to Jack, not sure why I do that but oh whale here we goooo! Feedback is much loved

Jack's POV

        I sat in the black leather chair waiting patiently for my turn. I was staring at myself in the giant mirror and fidgeting from the itchy plastic draped around my neck. I look horrible. I have lost the tone to my skin and my roots have grown a thick inch or two. My check bones show a little more then what they are suppose to. I have dark circles around my eyes from lack of sleep due to touring so much. Where is my hairdresser, I'm getting tired of waiting. I let out a loud sigh and get a few glares from the other hair dressers.

        "Sorry for the wait Jack. The dye wasn't mixing right and I had to make it 2 times before it came out the right color." Carla my hair stylist, said. Now don't get me wrong I like her. She's the only one I can trust to do my hair without butchering it. Carla is pretty rad girl actually. She has this beautiful long blonde hair with aqua highlights and tips. She always wore her bangs flipping to the left and she had a Monroe lip piercing. Her eyes were like a shinny emerald splashed with gold. Today she has her hair up in a fishtail braid which, in my opinion the twist with the blue and blonde together looks fantastic on her. She smiled at me feeling sorry about the wait. Her smile can light up the darkest tunnels. She's a gorgeous young lady.

        "No problem Carla. As long as I'm going to look hot at the end of this I'm fine with it." I earned a cute giggle from her. Score. 

        "Trust me. You would look hot even if you had a gross green color mixed with a ugly brown. You can pull of anything" She slightly blushed and put on the rubber gloves. "So we doing the usual half and half?"

I nodded and smiled. I normally went with a dark brown with blonde on top because I always thought that was a great combination for my look. Carla reached into purse she had setting in a drawer at her station and pulled out the newest issue of Kerrang she got when she went England with her band. "Ssshhh don't tell anyone I brought this for you. Just say you brought it yourself got that." She whispered in my ear as she sneaked  the magizine into my lap.

        "I wouldn't tell a soul!" I Whispered shouted back as I started to flip through the thin sheets of paper. Reading each section until I

        "Shit..." I cursed under my breath.

         "What is it?" Carla asked looking of my shoulder. She froze when she read the headline. 


        I was pissed off now. "Nothing happened between Alex and I. They are just making up all that stupid media bullshit as always." I huffed. Carla stayed silent and continued to sort out my hair. I kept reading and I looked through the pictures in the article. There was one of Alex sitting on my lap and another of me and him hugging "A little too close". What kind of crap is this?! It was a hug and he was only sitting on my lap because there wasn't any other seats in the room, besides we are best friends nothing more. I wish the media could get that through their thick heads. Oh Well whats done is done.

        I set the magazine down on the counter and pulled out my phone. I had that tin foil stuff in my hair so I decided to take a selfie in the mirror and post it to instagram. I held the phone up trying not to be obvious about it because that would be so embarrassing if someone called me out while taking a selfie. Click. I scrolled through the filters, none suiting my taste, I left it to original and posted it. Okay now a caption. How about, "Turn up" Yeah that sounds good. 


Forgot to upload this so im going to do it now! Hi everyone I missed the bunch of people who dont say anything to me! #nofans. Anyways I was looking through my works and found that this was unpublished. Ill try and update this soon. Big plans for this story big big plans. Much love -Frank

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