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"Oh look it's the murderer-boy-scout." Alex greeted quickly giving Frank a peck on lips. She hadn't seen Frank in a week or two. The two of them both stubbornly acting like it didn't bother them not to see each other in awhile. But it didn't matter, because that was the unspoken terms.

"I'm not a boy scout."

"You still call me ma'am sometimes." She pointed out. Frank sat down in front of her at the empty bar.

"How's the night going?"

"Great, it's a quiet evening since it's a weekday." Alex mentioned. She was all dressed up in her casino uniform which consisted of a deep neckline on a black dress with a short and tight skirt. Completing the outfit she wore fishnets and heels. She kept her hair in a low bun.

"What are you doing here?" She asked Frank

"Waiting for you to get off work." He answered shrugging.

"When's your birthday?" He hesitantly asked scratching the back of his head. Alex stopped what she was doing to make sure that he actually asked her that random question and she hadn't just imagined it.

"Two weeks ago. Why?" Alex answered looking at him. Frank looked surprised like he was a little kid just caught doing something he shouldn't have. "I'm fucking with you, it's on Saturday."

"I just heard you on the phone with your mom, so I just wondered." Frank replied relaxing. Alex's mother liked to remind Alex as much as possible that she wasn't going to get to see her daughter on her birthday. She had been bugging Alex about that for a month. Frank remembered hearing that conversation a couple weeks ago when he last saw Alex. He was just now getting around to asking her about it.

"Yeah, my mom isn't too happy about not seeing me on my birthday. But they are so overrated. I hate birthday parties, especially if they're mine." Alex explained to Frank.

"I haven't seen you in awhile, have you been up to anything fun?" Alex asked Frank. He shrugged as his answer. She didn't push it any further.

"Thank you Aaron." Alex said greeting a fellow co-worker. They handed her a drink that she ordered for Frank.

"No problem, Legs"

"Legs?" Frank asked raising an eyebrow.

"It's my nickname here. Okay, back story time." She whispered leaning close to him. He got a face full of her chest, which wasn't something he didn't shy away from. "So, I was a past sorority girl who was a dancer. I told them that people call me Legs."

"Here you go." She said setting the glass of white wine in front of him.

"You were in a Sorority?"

"Frank, you know I've never been to college. It's called a cover."

"Oh Jesus Christ." Frank dramatically rolled his eyes. "You love playing dress up too much."

"Well for you, I don't like to dress in anything." Alex flirted making him turn his head and smile. He missed that smart-ass mouth of hers. Since the Russo-Rawlins incident, he'd gotten to know her pretty well. They could have just left their relationship as a one night stand, but it didn't feel right. There were too many curiosities to hash out. Some times they saw each other two or three times a week, which was pushing it for the both of them. Sometimes it was just dinner, sometimes it was a movie, sometimes it was just a workout.

"And now they call you that? Legs?"

"Yeah, I got a few drinks in them one night,  danced around, and they started to call me Legs."

"Christ." He chuckled taking a sip of the wine. "Shit, this stuff is good Al-uh-Legs."

"I thought you might like it. It's light, fruity and a little wimpy."

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