Chapter Twenty Six

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Anais POV Hospital 4:30am May 11th

Doctor Peterson: Okay Anais I need you to push again!


Doctor P: Anais your doing good just one more big push okay!?


Doctor P: And he's out!!

I hear the room fill with a cry from Asher. I smiled tiredly wanting to hold my baby but sleep started to consume me. Soon I felt Asher being laid on my chest and we were both sleep.

9:45 am 

I wake up to not feel Asher on my chest. Alarmed, I sit up really fast  and looked around the room. My eyes landed on Zora, my dad, mom, Amir, and Melanie, all gathered around  my mom who's holding Asher.

I look at them and smiled, but then realized two things... My dad is actually here to see me and his grandson and the fact that I'm not currently holding my baby. My face goes straight within seconds.

Me: Umm excuse me? I would like to hold my baby please!

Mom: Oooo your up baby! 

Dad: How are you feeling now that you got a little rest?

Me: I'm feeling fine dad just feeling like I'm recovering from getting hit by a bus. and I'm surprised to see you here... you finally got to escape your wife?

Mom: Anais watch it

Dad: *sighs* Yes if you must know. I wouldn't dare miss my first baby having her first baby

Me: Well I'm glad you could make it dad*smiling big*

Nurse: Sorry to break up this lovely moment but Anais sweetie you name to sign the birth certificate! Are you ready??

Me: Uh yeah I'm ready!!

My nurse hands me a paper and I sign my name and then I started signing Asher's name and I wanted to cry instantly... August was suppose to be here to sign the birth certificate but he wasn't. I was even going to give Asher August's middle name. Everything was going to be good. It was going to be okay. 

I suck up my tears before they fell, I finished signing the certificate.

Asher Rhett Brown Born May 11th at 4:40 am Saturday

I hand over the papers to the nurse, she tells me I chose a beautiful name and congratulations.

9:15 pm

My family stayed around until it was time for them to go home. But Zora of course stayed with me.

Zora: I can't believe he's here

Me: I know it's so unreal, I can't believe I'm holding him right now. 

Zora: I know he's so precious

Me: I'm exhausted I'm going to go to sleep

Zora: Okay love you need to, you deserve it night babe

Me: Night and are you fine with staying up with Asher?

Zora: Yes girl we'll be fine! Get some rest.

May 27th Monday 11:30 Lunch Anais POV

Today was my first day back to school and I'm already hating it. I miss my baby and now everyone is congratulating me on having Asher. I don't even like anyone at this school, nor do I talk to them. But yet they know my business, nobody even knew I was pregnant because they never payed attention to me. I guess it was a nice gesture but, I still don't care for them congratulating me.

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