Is He my real boyfriend? pt 2

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Disclaimers: English it's not my first language. Excuse my grammar.

Yea, it's morning already. I can't stop crying about last night. I don't want to to school, I didn't want to meet him. What should I do now?


Huh? Who is that? It is Taehyung voice? I'm confused.


Cause I still wear pajamas I just took my jacket and do to open my door house.

"Taehyung? What do you want for me? We are broke last night right?"
"Huh? Broke? We are still together."
"Don't lie to me, we have a dinner last night and you told me that we are break."
"I even didn't know anything about last night. I go to Jungkook's house last night."

What's  wrong with him? He really mad at me last night but now his face also look so happy like there's nothing happen.

"Can I go inside?"
"Ah, yes, sure."

I walks behind him he look so happy, his smile is so cute.

"I bought this food for you. I thought that you are sick."
"I just don't want go to school now."
"Wait, I will took your plate and spoon don't even stand! Keep sit!"
"Aigo, you are so cute!"

We eat together...

"Did you didn't remember anything about last night?"
"I told you that I go to Jungkook's house last night."
"But we actually have a dinner last night."
"Dinner? No we don't."
"Did you remember anything about yesterday?"
"I go to school, meet you, Karina gives my phone back, then I go to my house than last night I go to Jungkook's house and play game together."
"Why are you asking like that?"
"You are mad at me yesterday and told me that we are break... now you act like nothing happen. Stop acting in front of me!"
"I didn't acting. That's what I do last night."

He is weird, he remember anything about yesterday but don't remember anything about our dinner. Did he act? But it's look naturally Taehyung.

We finished eating...

"Ahhh, i'm full."
"But you didn't finished your food."
"Sorry, Taehyung. I'm so full."
"But I bought that just for you."
"Show we your aegyo then I will start to eat."
"That's easy."

He is too precious omg >.<

"So can you finished your food now?"
"Okay, okay, you are too cute."
"I know."
"Too confident."
"You know me."
"Wait it's 10 AM already? Ah sorry I need to go home now."
"Okay, see you tomorrow at school."
"Good bye, honey."
"Bye, baby."

The situation getting weird. But however I'm happy cause I think Taehyung is okay now. I glad that we didn't break.

Skip time...

Good morning world!
Ahhh, I really exited to meet him.

At school...

"Morning baby!"
"What the hell you call me baby?"
He push me away.
"You are pretty rude don't you?"
"Stop acting like this, why you so weird now?"
"We already break. You know the reason."
"You say that nothing happen when you came to my house yesterday."
"Babe, what are you doing there?" Suddenly Karina meet us.

"Hey, who are you? I didn't break up my relationship with him."
"What are you talking about, dude? He is mine."
"Whatever, I hate both of you!"
"I hate you too, Taehyung is mine."

This situation even way more wired than yesterday. Taehyung definitely mad at me but yesterday he is so kind and soft. I can't stop thinking.
Is he my real boyfriend?

Korean class...

"For today lessons, we gonna have to focus on Korean dialog. Each of you must have one friend to make a dialog in Korea. Understand?"

I bet that Taehyung it's gonna be make a dialog with Karina. Well, Karina kan speak Korean very well. It's 100% better than me... I didn't have any friends, without Taehyung I'm noting.


I quickly turn around and...

"Can we make a dialog together?"

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

"Can we make a dialog together?"

Whoaaa... Did Park Jimin say that thing to me? I'm so lucky! I know him for a very long time but never have any change for being friend.

"Hey, are you okay?"
"Ah... yes sure."
"You are Park Y/N right?"
"Why you didn't make a dialog with Taehyung?"
"We have a little misunderstanding."
"Owh, I see. Well I guess it's the time to getting closer to you, the girl that I been looking for such a long time."

Been looking for such a long time!? I can't breathe! What the hell is this situation? Did I get heart attacks? Why I'm blushing...

Is He My Real Boyfriend?|| TaehyungΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα