"found it."

10 0 0

The snow was so white. It makes me feel very calm and chilled. I feel like all of my problems are gone by just seeing it. That's why I love Winter. Its such a beautiful season ever.


a blonde haired boy ran over to her and asked her something

"are you okay?, is that snow ball hitted you so hard?" 

"oh, no that's okay. its just a snow it won't hurt so bad" she smiled at him.

"good to hear it. sorry, I want to throw a snowball at him, my brother. then the snowball hitted you. im really sorry miss." he pointed to his brother and his brother waved at him.

"oh I see. but it doesn't really hurts so its okay" she smiled at him once again. "wait, what time is it?" 

"mhm, its 14:15" he looked at his tiny clock on his arm.

"holy! I should get going now. great to see you boy, bye!" she put all of her things inside her bag.  "im really late right now." that sentence keep popping out in her brain. 

she rans away as fast as she could then she stopped at a bus station and wait for the bus there. 

the boy seems to be curious about her, why does she need to rush like that? is there something really is important? but he was just a stranger. he doesn't need to think about people's business. he walked away just for a few steps and something just bothered his steps. a white book! who's this book belongs too? 

he picked that book from the ground and reads the cover "Allison Van Hellena" 

'that book belongs to a girl! wait, maybe that book belongs to a girl that rushed before! I think one of her things dropped out while she ran to the bus station. I should go to her!' 

he runs over to the bus station as soon as possible. the bus station are just a few steps from the park. he start to look over for her. but sadly she was not there, he missed the bus. 

"I wonder what's inside this book" 

"maybe something important!, I need to read it!" 








--to be continued--

Allie's DiaryWhere stories live. Discover now