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{Corbyn pov}

Today the guys and I were all going over to Emma's apartment to film her video. We have had to delay this video for some time now, it's February, but we all bought the gifts, so might as well film the video. All the boys were getting ready, and I was done first, of course. Zach was done last, of course.

Text convo Bold- Emma Italic-Corbyn

Hey, were on our way, want anything while we're out?

Umm, no, I'll post mates something when you guys get here, so you don't need to stop.

Ok, ttyl ;)

End of convo

I told Jonah not to stop anywhere, and to just go straight to Emma's apartment. They were all confused, but didn't question it. It was about 15 minutes later, and we were here. We went up to her door, and knocked. She opened the door and gave all of us a hug.

Emma-What do you guys want to eat?

Everyone-  I dont know.

Emma-Well, you guys want chick-fil-a?


Emma got on her post mates app, placed her order, then asked us what we wanted.

Zach-8 Piece Chicken nugget meal with sprite

Daniel-A salad without chicken, and an apple juice

Me- A salad with chicken, coke

Jack- Chicken sandwich meal, sweet tea

Jonah- A Chicken wrap, no drink

She then ordered the food, and we just hung out until it got here.

{20 Minutes later}

The food got here, and we ate, then Emma set up her filming equipment. It took her about 30 minutes to set up, then we started. We were out of Frame first, so she could do her intro.

Emma- Hey guys! You know what I realized? Well, I never have an intro planed out, I kinda say Hey, then awkwardly move into the video. But today, I thought why not sing and intro to the people I am having in my video.

And that's what she did, she waved us over, and we sang "This is Emma's Channel, Yeah!"

Emma- I loved that! Omg! Well introduce yourselves

Daniel- Hi, I'm Daniel Seavey

Zach- Hey, I'm Zach Herron

Jack- Hi, I'm Jack Avery

Me- Hey, I'm Corbyn Besson

Jonah- And I'm Jonah Marais

Everyone- And we're Why Don't We!

Emma- Yes! Well, today we are doing a gift swapping for Christmas. And yes I know, it's February. But none the less, I wanted to do it. So let's begin. Who wants to open there gifts first?

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