Chapter: 2

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^^^^ 5SOS (except the girl, i think she was the interviewer) dressed up as Ashton because it was Ashton day! >>>>

•Same day, same class•

~Liv's POV~

"I am so fucken bored right now!" I stated with an annoyed looking face.

Maya- "Me too"

Me- "Wanna play truth or dare?"

Maya- " Sure. You ask first"

Me- " Truth or Dare?"

Maya- " Truth"

Me- " Ok. Um... Is it true that you like the teacher?"

Maya- " Yes and why would you even ask if you know the answer?"

Me- " I don't know. I was planning for you to say dare."

Maya- " K. Truth or Dare?"

Me- " Dare!"

Maya- " I dare you to send a note to that hot boy Luke."

Me- " No biggie!"

I take out a sheet of paper and just question myself what i should write. Omfg, I don't know what to write!

" Maya i can't think of anything!" I whine to her.

"Here give me your paper." I pass her my paper and she immediately starts to write something down and passes it to a boy, so that he can pass it to Luke.

"What you write?" I hope that she didn't write anything embarrassing.

" I put 'your cu-" The damn bell didn't let her finish.

Passing Notes w/ Luke HemmingsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang