In The beginning

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My name is Emily Straton . I was no one special just by looking at me. A simple country girl from a very small town. I had normal dreams just like every 18 year old.  survive high school... see the world... maybe a husband and kids later on. Nothing big. I did have a dream as a little girl to "sing to the world". My dad called me his little song bird. I think he was my biggest fan as I'm sure most father's are with their little girls. By the time I graduated that dream was all but lost.  I had better things to do... boys and friends.  I did love music more than anything. Well, with the exception of my dad. Even though I had moved on from singing my dad still held on to it and kept that dream tucked away for me. He always said "Emma one day your going to sing and everyone will fall love." He also said my voice was so beautiful that the angels would come down from the heavens just to listen." An extreme exaggeration in my opinion.  If I only knew. At that time I never knew where my life was going but if I knew then what I know now, I think I would have been more prepared, but no one can ever know where we will end up or how they will get there. I could have never predicted the chain of events that would change the whole dynamics of my life and tragedies that I would have to endure.  Through the irony of it all... I wouldn't change it for the world.  It brought me to the one person who taught me love.. passion... and how to live again. Love isn't always wrapped in a perfect package nor is it always easy to find. Passion doesn't always come from the most obvious places. Because of him, I've learned to inspire and to be inspired by the smallest gifts God has given and to see things in a different way... and to just

here is my story.

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