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she recalled the time,

when they went to the arcade together.
game after game,
a smile plastered on their faces.

that was when a particular soft pink plush toy caught her attention.

he stared at her ,
a smirk slowly forming on his face as he rushed to the claw machine game.

he played and played,
and finally after trying eight times,
he won.

he took the plush and handed it to her.
the smile on her face grew,
as she immediately hugged and thanked her best friend,
quickly kissing the side of his cheek and running away.

the brunette blushed as he touched his cheek,
and ran after her.

she held that plush tightly and caressed it.

that pink bunny always reminded her of him.

that's when she realised how much she missed him.

she really did.

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