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Before the four of them became best friends,they were from different dimensions of one world.In their world,it was full of mixes which is their world connected to the Underworld where it categories many places.

In their world,it was full of mixes which is their world connected to the Underworld where it categories many places

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In 3,000 years ago,there is a war between the Demon World and Magical Academy.......The Fantasy World decided to join forces with M.A. so at the end the Demons lost in the battle.Because of that,the Demons wanted to revenge from M.A. however something had happened.The Demons had anger the four legendary dragons as the dragons put on them an eternal curse which is only humans can summon the demon as a spirit in the body to redeem their sins from the past to generations until the person decided to release it back to its original form.In the meantime which causes a great sacrifices to the dragons as they all turned into a statues of stones.........

No one knows what causes the war began...........UNTIL the four best friends decided to uncover the truth so their pasts can be discovered too.

Unfortunately........once their pasts have been revealed,
they cannot stop in their past but move torward to the future.But......their pasts seem to be more complicated than the other people and more hatred toward the Demons......

Then,what if..........their friends are their enemy.......?

Will they choose their friendships or their enemy.......?

The truth will be discovered in no time.So,let the story begin in





Sorry....but the story will start tomorrow😅😝.

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