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I don't want them to know the secrets
I don't want them to know the way I loved you 


"Im sorry...i dont,have we ever met before" The small male asked as he snapped out of his gaze.

"oh...um..no never mind,i was just finishing up,you can use it if you want" The brown haired said as jimin smiled at him and set his bag down.As he was setting his things back he noticed that the brown haired boy had the same similar ring he has in his left hand.

"I...im sorry to be a bother but,i couldnt help about your ring,where did u get it?" The pink haired asked as he looked up at the taller man who sadly smiled "It's something very special to me,the one that keeps me going has the other half" He explained as he looked back at jimin and smiled as jimin kept starring at him.

"...are you sure i dont know you from somewhere?" Jimin asked again as he snapped back."That depends on you" Jungkook said."whats that supposed to mean?" Jimin asked confused."Thats for you to remember,anyways....you like dancing?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes..um..im into modern dancing im guessing you are too?" The pink haired asked as the taller of the two nodded."would you like teaching me some skills,you got skills.." Jimin asked shyly looking down.

"Sure hy-i mean sure" Jungkook said getting up."im..jimin by the way","I know,.....im jungkook" 

Jimin was shocked by this but shrugged it off thinking maybe they had classes together and maybe the name was mentioned."What song would you like to dance?" Jungkook asked.

"I..actually the one you were dancing to is my favorite song,mind teaching me your dance?" Jimin asked and jungkook immediately nodded and stumbled his way to the laptop and set the song he was dancing to a while ago.

FlashBack ( 3 years ago)

"ughh why cant i get this step right ?! we have been practicing for the past hour,kookie cant we just take a break?"The small male said."No hyung the exam is tomorrow we need you to ace this exam if you want your mother to let you come with us for summer vacation"The taller replied as he plopped down on the floor,as jimin plopped next to him.

"you know my mum was just lying about that kook,so she could seem nice,you know how my parents treat me.They only care about money...."Jimin said as he sighed and closed his eyes."I know that but,they promised me,dont worry as long as you have me not even a scratch will be colored onto your body,that is until we are in be-OUCH!"Jungkook winced as he rubbed his arm.

"watch your mouth" Jimin giggled as he got up and went back to his original spot to start dancing again."aish so innocent" Jungkook teased.

End of Flashback


"W-what,sorry zoned out for a second..um ye lets uh continue....."


My love....

Hurts Like Hell ~ A Jikook FanficWhere stories live. Discover now