Chapter Four

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As I started to come to, I heard too many jumbled voices around me. I couldn't make out who was talking, or what was happening.

I felt someone playing with my hair, and another person worriedly holding my hand tightly. My head also was in pain. It was a constant pounding, one that was relentless.

What happend before I passed out started to come pass through. It made me start to shake, and I felt a blanket being draped over me. I slowly began to register who was talking, and what words that were being spoken.

"I think she's waking up," I hear Jordan say, and then a disagreeing noise that sounded like it would of came from Lucian. The person who was playing with my hair, tightened their grip for a minute then slowly let go. It sort of felt like Jordan, because you know... I don't know why.

"If she is, no one mention Eric. I didn't mean to look through her phone, but I really wanted to know what made her faint," Nathan says, sounding worried. His hand - I figured out it was his once he said that - tightened around my own. I didn't register the pain that was apparently being inflicted, I was instead worrying about Eric again.

I pulled my eyes open, to see Nathan's face over mine. His hand let up a little, and he bit his lip in surprise. Jordan's hands quickly retreated to his lap, and Lucian was on the other side of the room. Muffin Top was no where to be seen.

I heard Jordan muttering to himself about why I had gotten back with the asshole anyway, that he had saved me from his bastardly self. I kind of cringed after that, realizing how angry Jordan was with me, though he never showed it.

"Are you okay, Zoey?" Nathan asked carefully, pulling me to sit up in his lap. Jordan and Lucian looked at us as if we were crazy. I remembered then that they had no idea what Nathan and I were doing just a few hours ago, or however long I've been out plus about thirty minutes.

"I'm okay, it's not like he can get me on here." I tell him, shakily. Jordan was glaring angrily at us, and Nathan lifted me out of his lap in surpise at how intensely Jordan was glaring. I couldn't help but sink into Nathan, since I felt protected.

Jordan pushed himself up, and without saying anything walked through the bunks to the bathroom. He slammed the door shut, and I distinctly heard it lock. I slowly make my way back into Nathan's lap, keeping my eyes trained on Lucian's face.

"Okay, what the hell is up with you two?" Lucian asks once he gets tired of me staring him down.

"He's being helpful," I lie, and I feel Nathan nod in agreement. Lucian looks skeptical, but nods.

"Why are you in his shirt?"

"Mine was wet. And he let me use his." Lucian just rolled his eyes.

"It's about eight o'clock, you might want to ... nevermind, he's in the bathroom. I was going to tell you to get a shower, but yeah. Umm, I don't know. I'm going to make me something to eat." Lucian tells us, and I get up from Nathan's lap.

"I'm going to lay down, see you guys later." I tell them, and walk to the bunks. I couldn't bring myself to lay down though, I walked to the bathroom door, and brought my hand up in a fist to knock. I knocked once, and looked down at my feet.

"Who is it?" Jordan asks, his voice full of hatred and annoyance. I didn't like the sound of it one bit, but I couldn't chicken out at the moment. That's just fucking stupid.

"Zoey." I whisper, and I hear the door unlock. He cracks the door open, enough where I can see his whole face. His blue eyes are watching my face, looking for anything that would show Eric has abused me. He hasn't, though.

"What the hell do you want? You're apparently getting all cozy with one of my best friends already." Jordan seethes, his eyes burning into mine. I try to force myself to look somewhere other than his eyes.

"I'm sorry for everything, Jordan. These past three years have been hell, damn, Gage called me a stupid bitch for six months! I hated myself for breaking up with you, I still do!" I say, my voice getting louder the more I was talking. All the pent up anger was leaking out.

"Did you forget who broke up with who!? Zoey, you broke up with me! Like, what the fuck! And you were hurt? What about me!?" Jordan yells back at me, his hands clenched by his sides.

"I know I did! I hate myself for it!" I yell back, and I hear someone walking up behind me. I bite my lip, nearly drawing blood.

"And why the hell would you sign up for this!?" Jordan yells, his eyes averting from mine to whoever was behind me.

"Because, I still love you!" I scream back, tears starting to fall from my eyes. "Fuck, no I don't! I just can't stand you thinking I hate you!"

Jordan just stared at me. I think he was trying to figure out if I really did still love him or if I just hated that he thought I hated him. I don't hate him.

"Y'know what!? When someone tells someone they hate them, the thought sticks forever! You coming is so fucking stupid... God damn it, Zoey!" Jordan yells, and grabs my face in his hands. He roughly pushes his lips to mine before pushing me away.

I lean against the bunks behind me, my eyes wide. He pushes past me. I finally see who witnessed all that. It was Nathan. He didn't look upset, angry or anything of the sort. He instead looked happy. 

"Why the fuck are you happy?" I growl, and instantly regret my tone. Nathan's smile flickers for a minute, but he keeps it upon his face.

"That's all I needed - to know that you didn't still love him. That I can do this, and neither of us will feel guilty." Nathan whispers, and brushes my bangs out of my eyes. He softly presses his lips to mine.

After a few minutes of gentle kissing, I pull away. I really needed to lay down now, and I told him that. Nathan nodded in understanding. He gave me a hug and I lay down.

I grab my phone, and I notice I have four missed calls from Elizabeth and two from Gage and one from Justin. I'm surprised Justin even bothered calling me, Gage not so much, and Elizabeth not at all.

I decide to call Elizabeth back first. She asked what happened today after chastising me for not picking up my phone sooner. I tell her, and she freaks out over Nathan and crap. She then goes to the serious topic of Eric, and I brush her concern away. I tell her I'll speak to her later, and hang up to her protesting.

I call Gage next, and we have the same conversation Elizabeth and I had. Except, he had to go before I told him bye because his younger cousin was getting into something at my apartment. That has me slightly worried.

I save Justin for last. I slowly press the call button. My step brother picks up on the third ring. I hear him sigh.

"Zoey, are you okay?" he asks me, and I tell him I'm fine.

"Was today good, or are you already regretting doing this?" Justin says, and I can hear the smirk in his voice.

"It was okay, I had sex with Nathan! Who is like, adorable!" I say quite loudly, no longer caring who heard me.

"Okay, I'm going to go on that note! Way too personal for my ears!" Justin laughs, and hangs up.

I believe that's one of the best conversations I've ever had with my step brother.

I close the curtain to give me somewhat privacy in my bunk. I start thinking about the events of today, and it's crazy. I soon after fall asleep, because in all honestly, I was wore out.

xxAuthor's Notexx

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