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Margot's POV

To say that I looked weird was an example of an extreme understatement. Standing outside of Tom's room with something I just threw on after people where furiously knocking on my door. Apparently something went wrong with my reservation at the hotel we were staying at for the premier. And now other people where sleeping in the bed I was just laying in. I don't know why I was stood outside of his though, I mean I could have chosen anyone from the MCU and I chose Tom's room. Well okay maybe I do, I know that I like him as more than a friend but how do you tell someone that at-what is it?- 3 AM in the morning? Taking a final deep breath I knocked on his door. Not expecting him to answer after about 2 seconds but being proven wrong as he swung the door open while humming- Wait was that my song? I'll have to ask him about that later. "Uhm, He-Hey I-what are you doing here?" Tom asked with a confused expression on his face. "Uhm well, I was kind of-just maybe- kicked out of my room because something went wrong with my reservation." I said, saying the last part quickly because of my obvious but I guess understandable embarrassment. "Wait, what? How? We're staying here for the rest of the week!" Tom said while moving aside so that I could come into his room. "I know. But I was kinda hoping that I could maybe stay with you for a while? Here?" I said looking up at him with hopeful eyes. " y-yes, o-o-of course you can, darling" He said stuttering a bit. "Omg thank you so much!" I exclaimed while hugging him tightly, thankful for it being slightly dark in the room so that he couldn't see the blush spreading on my cheeks. "So where do I stay?" I said with a sigh, taking a hold of the handle of my suitcase. "Uhm w-were gonna have I share a bed, love." He began. "O-only if you don't mind of course! I could sleep on the couch or-or.." I shut him up by grabbing his face and kissing his cheek , blushing again. "It's really no problem Tom let's go." I said taking a hold of his hand. Walking into his bedroom. I looked back to see him blushing in the light of the room. I giggled and placed my suitcase next to his on the floor, not expecting to share the closet as well.

-time skip brought to you by Tom Holland's abs-

Laying next to Tom in my maybe a little too revealing pj's I remembered what I told myself in the hallway earlier. Turning to face him I asked," Hey Tom," "yes, what is it darling?" He asked kinda groggily. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! Did I wake you? I-" "no no, it's okay love. Ask your question." He said with a sweet, loving, warm smile that could light up the entire universe. "Okay," I started, smirking lightly. "Where you listening to my music before I came?" I saw his face turn bright red. "I- uhm- I was- uh. Yeah..." he said ending his stuttering with a yet again sweet,  heartwarming smile. "That's so cute." I said giggling slightly, sitting up. "I hope you know I watched all your movies." I said matter-of-factly. "You did?" He asked, seeming surprised. "Of course they're great!" I said. "Now that is cute." He said. I only now realized how close we were. "You are cute." He said, as if stating fact, clear but voice slightly hushed. "Tom" I whispered. Our faces now only centimeters away. "Margot." He stated, leaning in closer, our noses now touching. I slightly gulped. He kissed me. And I kissed back. I loved it, our lips moving against each other with passion. Stopping after a few seconds to catch our breaths. "That was cute." "I'll show you more that cute." I said launching myself at him, giggling. He fell on his back and I fell on top of him. Our lips connecting yet again. My hands fell on his chest while his rested on my hips. Still giggling I straddled him and started making out with him. I felt him move his hands from my hips to my ass and give it a gentle squeeze. I giggled. What is it with me and giggling lately? "Tell me if you think we're moving to fast or anything, and I mean anything is wrong. Okay, love?" He said. "You won't be hearing me say anything close to words, tommy." I said leaning in again.
-time skip to next morning because We ain't writing smut up in here ;) -
Waking up I remembered where I was. Laying in bed. The thin sheets covering m naked body with marks all over it. I looked over to my left when I saw a sleeping angel. Tom Holland in all his glory, morning hair pointing in every direction and hickeys all over him. Wait. Hickeys. Neck. Red carpet. Paparazzi... shit. "Tom! Tom, wake up!" I whisper-yelled in his ear. He stirred slightly but was still obviously not awake yet. "Tommy.." I said biting his ear slightly. "Hmn, Margot." He said-more like moaned- with a hint of a smile on his face. Then I got an idea. "Tom, wake up! I'm pregnant!" I yelled in his ear. This made his eyes grow wide and his entire body roll off his side of the bed. I giggled again. "Good morning, tommy." I said with a smile on my face. "Good morning, love-" He said but cut himself off with a grin before saying, "I did quite the marking on you last night huh?" He said still not whipping that shit-eating grin off his face." I did to, but that's the problem. The premier's tonight, and we can not risk my dad nor the paps to find out about this. " I know, love. But we can use foundation on both of us. Hold on, that's what that's called right?" He asked. "How can you manage to be so adorkable but also so hot at the exact same time?" I asked with a smile. He grinned and got back on the bed smothering my face and neck in butterfly kisses. "I had a really fun time last night, Tom. I really did. But I don't need you marking me up more." I stated putting my hands on his chest. "Me to love." He started smiling. "Oh- and, duly noted." He stated, getting up and putting his boxers on, now looking for his sweats and finding them on the floor under the bed. He walked over to me and kissed my forehead. " I'm going to get a bite to eat. Now that it's still early. No one will see me. Can I get you anything love?" He asked. "Uhm, yeah just a plate of rusti's please, but that'll be all." I said pulling him down and kissing his lips, hand holding his (flawless, razor sharp) jaw.
"I'll be back soon love." He said and got a shirt from the closet. "Okay. later Tommy." I said, turning on my side again, still feeling his eyes on my body. Smirking to myself I said, "keep walking tommy." "What-u-uh yeah okay, I'm going. See you later love, bye!"

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