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Clementine Josselin Miller the third's parents were rushed to the emerg-ency room after her tenth birthday party. She held onto her favorite stuffed animal, a worn down E.T. doll that had been her fathers, and picked at the threads in its feet. When she got the news her parents had died she cried for the first time in nine years. Then she drowned a nurse in a toilet. That was the first time she had killed someone, and god, it felt good.

When she found out her aunt and uncle wouldn't take her in she broke into their house and smashed bottles over their heads, killing Uncle Jon and damaging Aunt June's brain. Revenge always tasted nice. She never visited June in the hospital and never confessed.

Finally, her grandparents took her in. They made her do everything but Clementine was happy to have a roof over her head. She cooked breakfast, lunch, a snack and dinner every day. She cleaned, washed clothing, did the dishes, worked outside and even worked. But it was all for nothing when her grandparents passed three days before her sixteenth birthday but by this time Clementine already knew what she was.

Clementine Josselin Miller the third was never the hero of this story, never was going to be. This isn't a story where the villain rights their wrongs. This is a story where good people die, bad people win and no one plays by the rules.

Clementine hugged that dumb E.T. doll like it was the only thing that mattered, it was to her. Some people said she looked like it, with her long pale brown hair and big blue eyes. She had freckles covering her face, shoulders, and arms. She had always been short and small, but that didn't stop her. She found out that she was a bad guy at age ten when she killed a nurse in the hospital bathroom. The nurse had followed her in there and Clementine shoved her in a stall, locked the door behind them and shoved that nurses face straight into the toilet bowl. She had barely batted an eye. No one thought to blame her and they never arrested any suspects.

When she smashed the bottles over her mother's siblings she had never had a bigger smile on her face, even though it was coated in blood. She never visited her aunt because she hated her with such a huge amount of herself that she would probably kill her on spot.

She had worked for her grandparents for the next six years. She did every-thing that they couldn't and didn't complain. When they died she had felt a familiar twinge of sadness and killed a random person just for the heck of it. And that's when her villain persona began.

Soon she shoved random people downstairs and laughed when they broke their necks. She learned how to erase security camera footage and she stabbed the guy working with the monitors. Later she joined a gang and beat people up on the streets, but that wasn't enough for her. She became a vigilante. She killed people on a regular basis with knives, guns, anything she could get her hands on. Then a new superhero came to town and her real story began.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2019 ⏰

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