Do the Talking

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I first heard this song when I was eight, I thought it was too depressing and I didn't like it(Well surprise, surprise. God hit me with dat depress juice). When I heard it again I wanted to be mute so when I heard "That's what Talkings for" that kind of just pissed me off a little. But the lyrics "I never thought you would change me. I never thought I would change you." Changed my mind.

I have a bunch of exes that I am not on good terms with. They hate me sometimes I know why sometimes I don't. I was mostly in relationships with depressed people like me, but that just made it so much more confusing. There were ones that were depressed but also trying to be happy, other ones who would be super depressed but into memes, and some who were just distant and didn't talk,(i'm all of the above btw) and my first relationship was with a guy who depression had hit or missed.

Some of you might have wattpad stalked me or just happened to come across a board message of me saying I didn't know what love felt like. And that was the deal breaker with all those relationships. It wasn't love even if we had been together for a year or two, just no love at all. But I know I had changed them a little bit and whether they know it or not, they changed me a hell of alot.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2019 ⏰

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