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Touch Me

Vic's warm, strong touch sent tingles throughout my body.

His kisses were soft and delicate. 

I felt safe in his hold as he caressed my body, gliding his fingers lower, and lower..

"I wonder what you're writing in your precious little diary today" I heard from behind me, along with evil snickers that made my heart sink.

She can't see this.

I tried to put it away before she could snatch it away from me, but she was too quick.

I winced at every page she turned because I knew when she found what I was writing, it was going to hurt.

"Please. Please don't" I tried to beg, but all she did was laugh in my face.

That was when she stopped on the page. She read it and a wicked smile stretched over her face.

"Vic's warm soft touch" she mocked, dragging out the words. Her laugh seemed to echo through the hallways.

Everything was blurring out as I sunk down to the floor against the locker. All I could hear was the muffled laughter of all the people who were circled around us.

My diary dropped in front of me. I reached to grab it but instantly regretted it when she kicked my hand.

I held my hand to my chest and tried to blink away the tears.

"You little freak" she sneered. She slapped me and grabbed my hair so I was looking up at her.

She smirked in my face before she spit on me and pushed me into the floor.

I could hear her heels clicking again the floor as her and the crowd slowly walked away from me.

My body shook as I tried to muffle my cries.

"Are you okay?" I heard from above me. I recognized the voice but I couldn't believe it.

"y-yeah" I croaked out.

I felt hands on me as I tried to lift my body from the ground.

"I'm sorry she did this to you" Vic said as he stood in front of me.

I looked at him in bewilderment and painfully laughed.

"I don't want to hear that right now" I shook my head, which was pounding.

I felt blood dripping down from my nose. I sighed.

"She did this to me, don't be sorry. However you are the one who's dating her, so I feel sorry for you" I walked past him, ignoring the pain, especially the pain in my heart.

Tears fell down my cheek as I silently cried.

"Kells?" I heard Oli, my best friend, call from in front of me.

I probably had smeared blood on my face, making it look worse that what it is. I looked up, hearing him gasp and rush towards me.

"It was Danielle, wasn't it?" He held my face in his big hands and looked at me pitifully before his eyes darkened with rage.

"I'm going to kill them" He dropped his hand and tried to walk past me, but I tugged on his shirt.

"i-i just want to go home" I said softly. He could see my pain. He sighed and nodded, keeping his hand on my lower back as we walked out of the high school.

Oli has a car and a motorcycle, so does Vic.
Sometimes Oli takes his bike to school, but not often.

I hopped in his mustang, curling up against the window. He started it and rested his arm behind the seats, I secretly liked it when he drove with one hand.

I shifted my body so my head was resting on his shoulder as he drove. I closed my eyes as the hum of the car and warmth of his body relaxed mine.


"Kells?" I opened my eyes to see Oli looking at me. I was laying down on my bed, I guess he didn't wake me up when we got here.

He smiled at me, a sad smile, and squeezed my hand.

"Don't look at me like that" I said softly. I sat up and noticed my clothes at changed into an oversized hoodie and some shorts.

This hoodie was Oli's. It was my favorite.

"You should have something to eat Kells" Oli helped me up out my bed and started walking to the door, when he realized I wasn't following him.

"Kells, you okay?" He walked back towards me and stood in front of me.

I nodded and lifted my arms childishly. He chuckled and lifted me up bridal style and started walking to the kitchen.

His heartbeat was weirdly faster than normal, I didn't over think it.

He put me down on the counter, I swung my feet as he look in the fridge.

"Well, first things first, you need groceries. Second, why don't we just go get something to eat from your favorite place? You deserve it love" Oli smiled at me knowing I haven't been there in ages.

I secretly loved when he called me that too. His thick accent made me blush sometimes..

I could feel myself getting red.

"Yeah, lets do that" I hopped off the counter and rushed up the stairs.

I got dressed in a mustard yellow, cable knit jumper and a black skirt.

I looked in my mirror as I brushed my hair and put on a bit of mascara. I deserve this.

Oli was standing in the doorway watching me, I didn't pay any attention to it though.

As I finished applying chapstick, I turned towards Oli who seemed to me deep in thought.

"You ready" I asked as I snapped him back to reality. He blinked at me and registered what I said.

He smiled and nodded, moving to let me go down the stairs first.

Such a gentlemen.

When the door of his car slammed shut and the engine roared. I sensed that something was going to happen.

Good or bad, I don't know, but I could feel it.

"You okay?" He looked over at me. I smiled and nodded, taking a breath and clearing my mind.

"Yeah, Im fine. Let's go eat" I smiled as he wrapped his arm around me as he drove.

Everything going to be fine.

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