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Beware, if you purchase these book at any other site or page, be aware that it is a stolen property, and you've be scorned by a bloody massacre

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Beware, if you purchase these book at any other site or page, be aware that it is a stolen property, and you've be scorned by a bloody massacre.

Be greatly aware that these product is under the influence of Wattpad free books, and hereby marked as a free read on the 23rd of July, 2019 until further notice from the Gods.


All rights reserved. Except use in any review, reproduction or utilization on this work in whole or in part in any form either by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the permission of the uniwylimp copyright books limited.

All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incident are pure Invention of the writer. All case of fraud should be reported to

This edition is published by the arrangement with the HIT ART DISPLAY, for upcoming 2020 best novel, by uniwylimp.


Lol, I know that's hell of a COPYRIGHT, I know I suck at that and you don't have to tell me, but woe be to he who dears steal my work for himself, for I will come on him with the wrath of the underworld. Just kidding, I guess can't wait to start writing. Please note that the image used in these stories does not belong to me and I have no ownership over these photos.

An angel will be chosen at random, and talked about at the end of each chapter. I will highly appreciate if anyone can help me create a book cover, as you know I might have designed the cover but the image is not mine. Contact me if you have a suitable cover for the novel, and you would be added to the donator's list for the novel.

Hmm, I almost forgot, please remember to switch your reading background to black, because the images and the story analysis generally fits a dark display. To the kids reading; sorry if I scared you, but these is one of a kind of an adventure that will be grilled with light horror. The story doesn't really have a specific age limit because there not really any +18 stuff. So it's suitable to everyone. (I know some people are going to have my head as breakfast for removing love triangle and mature scene).

Pardon me to say, but updates would be made once in a week. Buuut! If the reaction of my audience tends to pop up, I will surely post 3 to 5 times, if possible 10 times a week. So remember to like and comment, criticize in a sensible manner and contribute to the story if that's not a problem, I would surely appreciate. And remember to share.

See you in the world of archangel!




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