Mission 101

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Drake Was Running Through The Bushes, As Quietly As He Could, Stalker Bolter Out,Power Axe Ready.

His Mission Was To Find The Titans Of Gaia And Use Invictus To Destroy The ORK Invasion.

Out Of Nowhere A Bullet Flew Past His Head,

FOR THE EMPEROR! Screamed Drake As He Shot with His Mighty Plasma Pistol,Wrath while Engaging Close Combat With A Nob .

He Jumped! Shot the Nob in the Head And Cut it off.

He Ventured further into the manafactotum.Killing Orks,Hacking and Locating Invictus.

And Finnaly Reached the Titans.He activated a earpiece and a Drop Pod Came Down With 5 Tactical Troops On It Armored With Storm Bolters And Missile Launchers.

He took Leandros ?With him to help pilot the titan.

he Climed Into Invictus And Got Ready But all of a sudden.......

Drake Ajakis:Part 1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt