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I remember it clearly. I always have. Everyone thinks I've forgotten but to be honest... it was always there. Waiting. It just needed a little nudge to be out.

We were watching a movie. I remember everything. The movie was called 'Glass'. I enjoyed the movie immensely. I mean what's not to like? It had everything. Romance. Drama. Scares. Death. Everything a good movie needed. Well, halfway through the movie I glanced up at my parents. My dad with his grey eyes and dark hair. My mother with caramel locks and beautiful green eyes. Her eyes held so many powers. She could bring men to their knees with one glance. She could break anyone with just a stare. And she can put fear into the hearts of others with just a lift of her perfectly shaped eyebrow. But at home... she was an angel. She would always play with me and invent new games with me. She would draw pictures for me and I was never bored with her. She would teach me things like the different ways to intimidate someone and read peoples body language. You know, things they don't teach in schools but everyone needs as an important skill.

Strange that she knew all that but didn't notice dad's body language. How his smile never quite reached his eyes. How he'd stay out late and come home in a really good mood. How, whenever he hugged her... his neck was always stiff. Never really relaxing completely. I found it difficult to understand how she never noticed these things but I would notice it easily. I guess that's why they say that love is blind. Well, mommy always said I was observant. I'd notice everything and nothing would ever slip by me. But to be fair I was only four so I didn't think it would mean anything to mommy. I didn't think it was important.

Until the phone rang.

Mommy was cuddling with daddy. But I exited the cuddle long before that. I liked to be close to the tv. To feel the people speaking. To smell the colors. No one ever understood it. Most of the time I was sure my parents couldn't see the screen. But they didn't mind. They always let me have my fun.

Mommy kissed Daddy's chin and got up to get it. I kept staring at the screen. But then I realized mommy was on the phone too long. I started thinking how long on average she would speak on the phone and realized this was way too long. I turned my head just as she walked back into the living room. I saw how tense she was. I stood up to question her when daddy asked "Who was that?"

She paused. It was too long. It was like she was calculating her response.

"Oh no one" she said smiling brightly, "just your girlfriend on the phone saying she really enjoyed yesterday night."

He visibly stiffens.

"Baby I-"

"Don't baby me! What the actual fuck! I thought we were happy! We have a daughter for Christ's sake!"

I see his eyes narrow.

"You're the one making my life fucking miserable you whor-"

"Don't even try to call me that! You're the one sleeping with other women!" Her face crumples like paper.

"Why Aaron? I thought we were happy. I thought I was good enough" she looks sadly at me.

I was busy calculating all the exits in the room which was what I did when I was stressed.

She looks back at dad... and runs upstairs.

I waddle after her, daddy sitting shocked on the sofa. The long forgotten movie still playing.

I'm halfway up the stairs when he starts stomping up the stairs, stepping on my wrist. I couldn't climb stairs that well so I climbed on all fours. I screamed in pain as I feel his heavy boot step on my fragile little wrist.

He doesn't even look back.

I hear shouting upstairs. I scramble down the stairs again. As I reach the bottom step, my mom comes out. Holding a suitcase.

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