bubbles and bubbly

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Y/n was worried.

She had started dating Andrew almost a year ago, after a month or two of close friendship. They had always been flirty towards each other, and everyone could tell that, one day, they would end up being inseparable.

Andrew's job was fun. But extremely tiring. It might seem easy, walking around with your best friends and filming for them once in a while, but after hours and hours of content, everything had to be edited.

He loved his job. Really. He wouldn't trade editing Shane's videos (and occasionally helping the rest of the squad with theirs) for the world. But editing one video took them days. Everything needed to be perfect and there was a deadline to reach every single time.

Y/n had stopped counting the nights where she slept alone, knowing that if it reached 2 am, he would most definitely stay over at Shane's to finish editing a video, pulling an all nighter filled with energy drinks and coffee.

This new series that they were working on consisted on 5 videos, with almost 2 hours each. Needless to say that both Andrew and Shane had been pulling countless all nighters for a month.

Y/n was really really worried about her boyfriend. She understood that he was committed to his work, but the bags under his eyes, the rough beard along his jawline, and the constant naps he took when they were spending time together scared her to death.

He hadn't been living a healthy lifestyle, and it was obvious. So today, after half of the series were out for the world to see, he was coming home to sleep. At least she hoped so.

Y/n decided that she was going to spoil her man today. He loved champagne, he loved a good bubble bath, and he loved her. So why not mix it all of those together? Throughout the day, the girl had pampered herself to look like the best version of herself.

She waxed what needed to be waxed, she went and got herself a manicure, cut the dead ends from her luscious locks and tried a new face mask she had bought a few days ago. She looked and felt good, and hopefully Andrew would be home to see it.

It was now 10 pm. She had a burrito for dinner and was now watching an episode from her favourite tv series. Y/n had told her boyfriend to text her when he left Shane's house, just so she could have enough time to prepare the bath and take the champagne out from the fridge.

After all, she wouldn't want to drink warm champagne and soak on cold water, so she was counting on him to tell her when he was coming home.

Once she got a message from her love, she went to their shared bathroom and started filling the bath with really hot water. Once full, she put some bubbles inside and lighted up 5 candles by the bath that matched the scent from the bubbles.

The only light inside the bathroom would be from the flames, she wanted to create a sensual and relaxed atmosphere for the both of them, and the lights from the ceiling were too bright in her opinion.

She had about 5 minutes more, so she went to the kitchen to fetch two flutes and his favourite champagne. She brought it to the bathroom and started stripping down from her leggings and t-shirt. Putting her hair up in a bun, she sinked down in her bathtub, bubbles covering her to the neck.

Even though Andrew was the stressed out one, she couldn't deny that she also needed this for herself. She hadn't felt this relaxed in probably as long as Andrew had.

"Baby? I'm home!" She heard from entrance, the voice of the love of her life. She smiled and didn't say anything, wanting him to look for her and come face to face with her little surprise. "Y/n? Where the hell is she?" He asked himself, walking towards the room to see if she was there.

He then saw the dim lights coming from the bathroom connected to the room, and from the smell that intoxicated it, he knew she had lighted up candles. He was just hoping she hadn't left the house and forgot them still burning. He shook his head, walking towards the bathroom, eyes filled with love at the sight when he saw her there.

She was looking at him, a small smile on her plump lips, hydrated by her cherry lip balm that he loved oh so much. Her hair was in a messy bun on top of head, a few strands adorning her pretty face. Bubbles were covering her body, but he could still see the swell of her breasts and her shoulders where he adored leaving kisses on.

He could swear he had never seen her this beautiful. In his mind, she looked like an angel. Correction. She was an actual living angel. His angel.

"Hi baby." y/n said, voice as small as her, not wanting to ruin the whole scene and comfortable silence that encountered around them. "Come join me, please." she said, head thrown back and eyes closed. The feeling of relaxation starting to fill her up.

"Is that my favourite champagne?" Andrew asked, already taking off his hoodie, undressing himself in a fast pace so he could join his love as fast as he possibly could. He saw her smirking, and in that moment, he knew that this was all for him. The candles, the champagne, the bath, her naked body.

"It sure is. You have been way too stressed out lately, thought a bubble bath and a bubbly champagne would help you relax." she said, adjusting herself so he could get in the bathtub and lay down against her comfortably. "C'mere" she said, gesturing for him to lay his back against her front.

"I don't know if that is a good idea, I'm going to crush your pretty boobs." he said as he put a foot inside the tub, the warm water against his leg creating goosebumps on his skin. He saw her roll her eyes, giving him a playful yet stern look so he could understand. He laughed and laid down against her, bubbles instantly covering his body.

He relaxed herself against her, feeling her nipples against his back and her arms hugging him from behind. His hand came to her knee that was slightly bent, and his thumb was now rubbing the soft skin out of instinct. He felt all of his worries leave his body as he heard her heartbeat against him.

"How was your day, my love?" he asked, leaving a soft kiss on her hand, while she pecked his cheek softly, feeling his beard against her soft lips. He looked at her over his shoulder, searching for her lips to plant a soft kiss and showing her some love.

The kiss was short, but it was enough for them. She run her hand over his chest lovingly, while his thumb still rubbed her skin.

"It was normal, pampered myself for you." she admitted shyly, hugging him close towards her soft chest.

"Myself? You should pamper for yourself baby, not for me." he said. "But is that why your legs feel extra soft today?" he asked curiously, looking at his love and rubbing her soft thigh with the hand that was on her knee previously.

"Yup." she said, taking her flute and taking a sip from the quite expensive champagne, grabbing Andrew's as well and handing it to him. They both clicked their glasses together, muttering a soft "cheers" while doing so.

After drinking the whole bottle, kissing each other countless of times and a few cheeky words coming from his side that made y/n blush and giggle like crazy, they dried each other off and got ready for bed.

Once in bed, y/n wearing underwear and one of Andrew's t-shirt, while he wore pyjama bottoms and his shirtless self, they cuddled each other close.

"I don't even know what I would do without you, y/n. Really." Andrew said, wiping away a strand of hair that covered a part of her pretty face. She smiled, putting her hand on top of his bigger one. "Thank you for the surprise, I loved every single part of it." he added, looking at her lovingly.

"Don't thank me. I would do anything for you, Andrew. I love you so much, gingerbread." she said, getting herself closer to him, if that was even possible. He laughed at her choice of nickname, something that she had called him since pretty much day one.

"I love you too, baby, I love you too." he said, kissing her soft lips passionately before closing his eyes to fall asleep. He was ready to have his first night of sleep since a month ago. And he was happy he had her close to him to spend the night.

The two fell asleep snuggled against each other, dreaming about one another throughout the night.

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