Yukito Yami

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Name: Yukito Yami 

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Name: Yukito Yami 

Age: 15

Birthday: December 4

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Hair: Black

Eye color: Green

Skin color: Pale

Height: 5'4

Quirk: Tar and void

Quirk explanation: He can create creatures to help him fight and they are usually made out of tar or look like void creatures, if he doesn't focus on his quirk then the creatures will go and turn on him, the creatures give off a chemical smell which can be dangerous to the lungs

Hero costume: He wears a gas mask that only covers his mouth, wrappings around his arm, dressed in all black with a hooded cape that was made to look torn up

Personality: Quiet but nice the few times he does talk, he doesn't like pity,and panics easily

About: He gets panic attacks every day, he usually stays in his dorm, he put up walls to block himself off from others, he wears glasses, and usually talks about the same amount as Koda

Likes: Silence, darkness, sitting on the roof to look at stars, cats, music

Dislikes: Pity and anything loud(unless it is music)

Past: Got picked on in elementary and middle school for being to caring for anyone or anything and for being smart. His mom died from suicide when he was ten and his dad sent him to live with his grandparents. Everyone told him it was his fault at school for his mom's suicide and his dad giving him away. He was only truly happy when he was watching the stars in complete darkness so that it was the only thing he could see. He got his glasses when he was seven from staying in the darkness and staring at the stars all of the time. When ever he got picked on about his mom he slowly started to believe it was his fault.

Sorry for the past of my oc being all over the place I kind of rushed. For the angst I like depressed like characters and I have to say Yukito has to be my favorite depressed character even though he doesn't act like it most of the time he mainly acts emotionless and you rarely see any emotion in his eyes. Feel free to ask about a roleplay with this oc or any of my oc's if you like. You can give a scenario or ask me for one. I hope who ever reads this has a good day or night.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2019 ⏰

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