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Orange added Boy from the woods to The Boarding Kids

Boy from the woods: Uh, hello?

Orange: Guy's, this is James

Orange: He's new to our year

Dead Cat: Why is he called Boy from the woods?

Orange: That's a long story

Purple: We have time... well I definitely have time at least

Orange: He got lost trying to find the school and he was in the woods

Orange: That's all you get to know

Dead Cat: hmm

Purple: hmm

Ass im: hmm

Belouga: hmm

P!ATD: hmm

Bomb 1: hmm

Orange: guys stop

Purple: what was he doing in the woods tho?

Belouga: fucking a tree?

Orange: LOUIS NO

Ass im: I chokeD ON MY DRINK

Dead Cat: Was it a drink or was it the D that you chose to make capital

Ass im: huh?

Dead Cat: in the word choked you chose to make the D a capital

Dead Cat: you choked on the D

Purple: Marlon please

Purple: shut the fuck up

Dead Cat: wow rude

Belouga: Leave the jokes to the pros

Purple: so definitely not Louis

Belouga: why is she attacking me again

Belouga: why does she hate me

Purple: Because you're Louis

Belouga: what

Belouga: does

Belouga: that

Belouga: mean

Belouga: ?

Purple: someone take away his phone before I break his fingers

Belouga: ...

Belouga: ofcoursethelesbianthinksaboutfingers


Ass im: Louis, I'm cryinggg

Orange: Violet, babe, calm down

Belouga: Babe?

Ass im: Babe?

Dead Cat: Babe?

P!ATD: Babe?

Cowgirl: Babe?

Giant: Babe?

Tennis: Babe?

Bomb 1: Babe?

Bomb 2: Babe?

Boy from the woods: Babe?

Chief: Babe?

Purple: B A B E ?

Orange: I-

Orange: even fucking Minerva came on to make fun of me

Giant: You're welcome

Belouga: I bet that Vi is currently having a gay breakdown

Purple: NO IM NOT

Belouga: Oh, she definitely is

Purple: Permission to murder Louis?

Orange: Granted

Ass im: Granted

Belouga: guys what the fUCK

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