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I made a SpiderSona :3

It's mostly says Spider-Mi mostly because her name's Mimi-

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It's mostly says Spider-Mi mostly because her name's Mimi-

Anyway her description

Name:Mimi (Martha) Jefferson


Cause of Spider like powers:Was wondering round,got bit by a radioactive,poisonous,spider luckily didn't die

Height:5ft 9"

Body shape:Pear


Single or Taken:In her backstory,she's taken by a girl called Nina but in roleplays she a single pringle :'3

Likes:Pizza (Pizza Time) ,horror films,art,music,sports,anime wolves,hentai annnnddddd staying in her room all day

Dislikes:Rude people,cocky people,people too into themselves,people who dislikes her so she dislikes her back,too much social interaction and too much sunlight 

Well anyway,

I hope you guys like the drawing,

I see you all,

On the flip-side


BlueBlackeyedBoio is out~

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