First And Last, One And Only

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A/N: Hello, hello, I am magnificently late but I simply had no time to finish up and post this before today! Better late than never is what I'm going with! And yeah this is technically two days' worth but the prompts worked well together so why not? Hope it's worthy of our favourite space girlfriends! Without further ado, the finale of my contribution to thasmin week..  

The self-proclaimed Team TARDIS stumble through the doors of said spaceship just as something explodes magnificently behind them.

"Oh my god," Ryan exclaims as Thirteen bounces forwards to start their journey as far away from whatever planet they'd been stuck on as possible.

"I'm pretty sure the Doc said it was about four Gods, actually," Graham replies, his voice perfectly deadpan.

Yaz snorts to herself before going to accompany Thirteen as she gently persuades the TARDIS to land in a safe place.

"Could you grab that button for me?" Thirteen asks, then pauses and frowns a little. "Grab? Push? Do something with it anyway..."

Rolling her eyes fondly, Yaz wipes the smudge of charcoal off her cheek - or rather, thinks she does since she doesn't have a mirror on her right now - and pushes the button as far as it goes, evidently clicking something into place.

"Did it work?" she asks after a second.

"We're not dead so yeah!" Thirteen yells back, apparently having dived under the console and through the floor. Yaz can vaguely make out her bright blonde hair shining through the metal.

"Dead?" Graham echoes, but sighs in exasperation before anyone can comment on it. "Why I am even surprised by things like that at this point?"

"It's the old age seeping in, Grandad." Ryan smirks just as Graham mock-glares at him.

Thirteen makes a noise of exclamation before something sparks and smoke rises from where she'd been standing. Having been only vaguely watching Ryan and Graham's interaction with amusement, Yaz wastes no time before jumping through the gap in the grating and waving an arm around to clear the smoke.

They'd just escaped being blown up, there's no way on earth or any other planet that she's letting the Doctor get hurt when she's so nearby and capable of helping, that would be an actual nightmare.

"Doctor?" she half-asks, half-coughs, blinking rapidly.

A soft hand appears on her arm as Thirteen scrunches her face up in confusion. "Yaz? What are you doing down here?"

Yaz clears her throat sheepishly. "Uh, I- I thought you might be hurt?"

Thirteen's confusion melts into adoration as she reaches up to wipe something off Yaz's chin. "That was awfully sweet of you, Yaz, thank you. But now you're covered in soot or whatever this is again."

"Really, Doctor, you can recognise different species of slime by smelling them but you can't tell the difference between soot and ash in your own TARDIS?" Yaz asks, raising her eyebrows, a small smile playing on her lips.

"I'll take that to mean this is ash, then..." Thirteen murmurs to herself, taking her hand away from Yaz's skin and kneeling down to pull some shiny wires apart.

Yaz watches her for a second before kneeling beside her, forgetting that it's not just the two of them. "Need a hand with that?"

"Several, to be honest. But I'd rather you not touch any of these; humans seem to be rather delicate when it comes to dimensional energy." Thirteen sounds solemn, as if she's speaking from experience, so Yaz just nods and watches, her hands occasionally reaching out every time the Doctor wobbles or anything.

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