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can he just text back already omg

"I don't think you're qualified to talk about those issues."

He set his pencil down gently.

"I don't care really." He pushed it around. "I'm not a fan of the school system."

"Your teacher, Caspar," a taller, scruffier man snatched the pencil with irritation. "Would be angry that one of his students was acting like this. It's incredibly-"

"Incredibly disrespectful." Caspar nodded, interrupting the Commander.

The word disrespectful had been thrown around a lot in this institution. Caspar was sure by the end of this he would reject the work placement offer almost immediately just for that word alone.

The commander suddenly snapped the pencil and slammed the torn pieces down on the table. His gloved hands came to rest on a radio.

"I've got an insolent brat on an excursion with a.." he glanced at Caspar. 'Mulberry', the brunette mouthed. "Mulberry High School. Claims to have been separated from his group and had been wandering around Sector 3. Over."

Another voice played over.

"I'm escorting the excursion, Commander. Could I ask for the kid's name, as to report to his school teachers? Over."

The commander held the radio out to Caspar, with a look of "if you try anything I'll have you incinerated". Caspar leaned closer.

"Caspar Delson... over.." he mumbled the last part, smiling slightly. The commander's lip twitched.

There was a pause from the other end.

"There's no Caspar Delson on the school trip, Commander. Not a pupil at this school. Over."

"Understood. Over."

The commander slid the radio back and surveyed Caspar at his chair. A silence settled in.

"Why are you here. How did you get in."

"I'm here on a school excursion. I got lost."

"I could crack all the bones in your body if you don't start telling the truth."

A phone started vibrating. Caspar clutched his pocket, groaning. Why did he have to call now? He tried muffling the sound with a few coughs and his hand. That didn't do the trick. Commander had grabbed the phone as quick as Caspar had blinked and had him pinned firmly on the chair with one hand. He didn't even look bulky and Caspar was reeling from the shock.


"Who is this? Where's Caspar?" A male voice rung out.

"Ray! I'm-"

"Caspar is currently in a top secret Institution and is about to get reprimanded by one of the top five Commanders." He muffled the teen and carried on speaking clearly. "Who are you?"

"I'm Caspar's friend. Please release him."

text me back Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora