Chapter One: Third Grade.

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Ten Years Ago...

I sat outside the office door with some other girls blood on my knuckles. There wasn't anything on me, not even a scratch.

I heard my guardian, Blaze the Cat yelling at the principal.

"Why the hell is she only getting in trouble? She didn't even start the fight! It was Sally Acron who threw the first punch! you heard her! All Amy was doing was defending herself like I fucking taught her," she yelled.

"Ms. Cat, if would please have a seat." he said.

"I'm fine standing but thanks."

"Well Ms. Cat yes Sally threw the first punch but then Amy dodged it then turned and shoved her into a wall scraping up her face."

"Okay and?"

"Miss Cat shes nine."

I'm only guessing Blaze continued to stare at him with her natural resting bitch face as she calls it due to the silence that fell over the office. Finally I heard the principal sigh.

"Blaze, then she kneed Sally in the stomach and shoved her to the ground, got on top of her and threw multiple punches. She broke Sally's jaw, cheekbones, and nose giving her two black eyes."

"Did miss Sally try to keep fighting Amy?" Blaze asked with sass.

"Well, yes, that's what I got when I asked the students in her class."

Upon hearing a loud slam I knew it was Blaze slamming her hands down on the principal's desk.

"I have two words for ya, self defense. If Sally threw the first punch and continued to try and fight Amy then she should be punished as well."

I smiled. Blaze is my adopted sister, we've been together since I was six. We always have each other's backs.

I heard the principal sigh again.

"Tell her to come in."

The door opened and Blaze stuck her head out of the doorframe.

"Hey kiddo," she shouted.

Her smile was huge showing off her canines. I have her a small smile back.

"He wants you in here so come on." She tilted her head back.

I sat down in front of my principal. Principal Vector.

He smiled a big toothy smile at me. I didn't return it.

"Hello little miss Rose as you know you got into a fight today, and for your actions you will suspended for a week," he announced.

His eyes shifted to Blaze who stood behind me.

I didn't need to turn to know. I could feel the death glare she seared into him.

"And so will Sally," he said.

I looked at my principal and blinked.

"Okay, I understand. But can you tell her that I'm sorry and I hope she gets better?" I asked.

He smiled. "Of course." He nodded.

With that I got up grabbing Blaze's hand and we walked out.

"Ice cream?" she asked me.

"Ice cream." I answered.

At this point and time I was in the third grade. Yeah I know third graders fighting? Ever heard of that? No? Well that's what happened. But it happened almost every day. Someone makes me mad and I just lash out. But that's what makes me, Amy Rose.

welp look what we have here? a new story? i think yes. idk where this is going but my imagination runs wild so buckle up.🤗

also i hope everyone has stuff they need for the these next two months. ik some schools are staying open so kids can get food so they can eat. don't be ashamed or embarrassed if you need to go to your school to eat, theres absolutely nothing wrong with that, you need to eat and stay healthy, also be courteous guys there are other people in the world too don't clear all the shelves of food the people who have no money need that can of soup too. just be safe everyone and take a breather it's not the end of the world, my heart goes out to all.💕💕

and if anyone needs to talk about something im here can we talk it out just dm me.🥺💗

until next chapter bbs.😘

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