First kiss?

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Mikes POV 

we where sitting on my bed while she was talking till all of a sudden she stopped i couldn't figure out why she stopped until I realised that  i was staring at her lips instead of looking away i kept staring at her lips getting closer and close and our lips where right about to touch and then as you probably guessed the party walked in the room i didn't realise them until it was to late i had kissed el in front of the party. as the party walks in making kissing noises i whisper to myself well shh-oot i almost cursed but not quite thank god i mean where only 12 and at the time i am not allowed to curse and know one else in the party is either so  thats fine i guess

Els POV 

I was talking about what i want to do this weekend until i noticed that mike was staring at my lips and he got closer and closer after a while our lips finally touched but one thing we dident realize is that the party had walked into the room right before we kissed for the first time ever then i thought oh no whats hopper gonna think as i heard the rest of the party making kissy noises until i had enough i yelled enough and broke a cup with my mind then they where scared and they stoped making the annoying kissing sounds until i head mike say go home we where in the middle of somthing then they started again until i said ill break all of your arms if you dont stop then they for sure stopped for good

Dustins POV 

i was with the rest of the party heading to mikes house and when we got there and walked into his room we saw him kiss EL not sure why though a few othere things happed then mike kicked us out and then when they thought we left the house we heard some loud noises so then we left as quick as possable to give them some alone time as i thought to my self if shes is 12 what if they do stuff and it leads to somthing unwanted 


i know its kind of short but it 2am and i have school in the morning but i will update when i have freetime

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