Preference #3: He Comforts You When You're Sick

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Preference #3: He Comforts You When You’re Sick

Niall: Niall always hated to see you sick. He never wanted that for you. So today, he was moping around not sure what to do without you. You were laying sprawled out on the couch trying to forget about your headache when Niall walked by the check on you for what was probably the 16th time. You watched him walk into the kitchen and after some rummaging around he came back with a smoothie for you. He lifted your legs and sat down on the couch beneath them. You ate the smoothie he made you with a spoon while he massaged your ankles and calves. “I want you to get better Princess.” “Just give it time. Then we can go golfing again.” He smiled at that and said, “I love you, Y/N.”

Zayn: Zayn was never very good at comforting people, especially when they were sick. But for you he would try his very best. He stayed home from work that day and was scribbling song lyrics on his sketch pad next to you on the couch. Every so often he would ask you if you needed anything and when you shook your head he would gently cup your cheek and kiss you on the temple. “Zayn… can we watch spiderman?” you whinned through your grogginess. “Of course hun. Let me grab it.” He set down his sketch book and when you glanced at it, you saw he had been writing lyrics about you. Every single day, I see the glimmer in your eye. You’re more beautiful to me than the stars in the sky.

Louis: Louis had just gotten back from work and he walked into the bedroom to check on you. When he kissed your forehead you mumbled sleepily. He smiled at you, “I got you something to help you feel better sweetheart.” At this you rolled over to face him. He pulled out a royal blue blanket that looked softer than his perfect skin. You reached for it and immediately pulled it into your body to snuggle with it. “Thanks Lou. This is perfect.” He climbed into bed behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. “I want you to get better. I’m right here if you need anything.”

Harry: He had been running around all day to make sure that you were as comfortable as possible even though you were really sick. He kept refilling your water bottle, checking your temperature, getting you extra pillows and blankets. When he wasn’t holding your hand and worrying about you he was running around trying to help you. “I don’t think I’ve ever been so pampered in my life.” You told him as he helped you sit up on the couch and put a bowl of chicken noodle soup in your lap.” He smiled weakly. “I just want my baby to get better. And anything that will help I’ll do.” “I love you Harry.”

Liam: You and Liam were sitting on the couch. You were wrapped in a blanket with your head in his lap. He was running his fingers through your hair and massaging your scalp. It was helping your massive headache go away and you moaned in contentment. He leaned down and kissed your forehead. “Get better soon baby. It’s no fun to see you like this.” “I know Liam. I hate being like this.” You started coughing and he rubbed your back. “Daddy is here for you.” You sniffed and glared at him. He knew that ‘daddy’ got you all riled up and since you were sick, you couldn’t do anything. He smiled at your angry expression and said, “Once you get better,” with a devilish wink.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2014 ⏰

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