Booby trap mishap

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This is what a morning should always feel like. Warm, but not stuffy, and the sun hiding just behind some clouds. "Jessie. James. wake up and enjoys dis mornin!" Meowth states cheerfully in the ears of the two people he addressed.

"Not now Meowth, five more minutes." James mumbles, hugging his pillow closer. Within a few seconds he realized that his pillow wasn't actually his pillow. He paled.

Opening his eyes slowly, he came face to face with the chest of none other than his partner. She's breathing quietly and holding on to him too. She smelt sweet. Sweeter than a weeping Bell's sweet scent attack. On top of that, to make things worse, she's so very warm.

He lifts up his head to look at her face, the movement causing the petite girl to pull him closer. Now with his face buried in the crook of her neck, his face couldn't be any brighter of a red.

"M-meowth, I...I need some help." He gulped with worry when the Pokemon burst with laughter. "Shhhh! Your going to wake her up!" He whisper yelled as fear and embarrassment. "Awe it ain't so bad. She's a cuddler, so it'll only be bad if she wakes up."

He States this with a loud voice, a shit eating grin plastered on his face. The blue haired boy flinched and looked up, as he did this, he was met face to face with Jessie's light blue eyes. His face instantly flushes, he pulls away from her, and she becomes instantly alert. "What happened?!"

Meowth trots in-between the two of his friends and grins. "Oh nothin jess, just James was gettin a little touchy feely with ya while you's was sleepin."
She looked up at James and blushed, covering her body with her arms defensively. "W-what?!" She asks not even hiding her stutter.

"Uh! It was nothing like that! Please believe me! We were sleeping and I woke up that close to you, then you woke up to Meowth's really big mouth!" Hesitantly, she relaxed, sighing as she looked at James irritatedly. "I believe you. But I'm watching you."

"Alright! Now that that's over, let's look for some trouble to get into today." The scratch cat says mischievously while rubbing his hands together slowly. "Right. Let's do that." James says, laying on his back trying to control his blushing, then getting up to follow his partner and Meowth.

They take off walking down a path next to their campsite. When they get to the end of it, there is a drop off connected to a bridge. At the other end of the bridge is the "twerps".

With a big smile, Jessy walks to the bridge. "Looks like they're sleeping. We could set a booby trap to catch that pooped Pikachu once they wake up." She says proudly. James and Meowth pull shovels from out of nowhere and begin digging a hole where the bridge begins.


Well, it took longer than the trio thought for them to wake up, but when they do, they don't walk across the bridge, they walk the other way. "What?! Who could have predicted this?!" James asks in a blunt and surprised voice. Jessie scowls, "They're getting away!" Forgetting about the booby trap, she runs towards the bridge. James follows, trying to catch her in time, Meowth following blindly in their haste.

What once was a horizontal run, became a vertical fall into a twelve foot deep hole Jesse below James with her legs up and around his waist very vulgarly. James's arms were on either side of her head. "What do you think your doing?!" She asks demandingly at the now rosey red James. He sputters and laughs nervously. "Now, Jessie, you know this was just an accident but hey, it could be worse!"

At that exact moment, Wabbuffet appears out of his ball...right on top of James. With the load of extra weight suddenly burdened upon him, he drops down about six inches. Their faces are now an inch apart and Jessie's face blends in with her hair.

"D-dont move, and you, get back in your ball!" She squeals at the large and very heavy Pokemon. Once it's back in the ball, the two relax, James stands up a little bit, and he helps Jessie to her feet as well. "That didn't just happen." "Yeah you really sunk low with failure, Jessie. But hey, it brought you and James closer." Meowth states in a teasing manner, causing both to splutter nonsense and blush a bright red.

"That's not true! It was just an accident!" James defends, hitting the Pokemon on the head while trying and failing to calm his bright rose colored friend. "It's always an accident with you!" She states, covering her body again in a defensive manner, her blush still clearly evident on her face.

With a sigh, Jessie looks down then up, blush slowly fading. "Aside from that, how are we going to get out of here?" James looks up too and shields his eyes from the light above them. "Yeah, I may have gotten a little carried away when I was digging." Using the most sorry look he had, James looks straight into his partners eyes. "I'm sorry."

Her confused look then turns irritated and amused. "Yeah, I forgive you. For being a pervert." His face flushes and contorts into a look of utter disbelief. "You think it's my fault? Your the one who took off running into your own hole."

"What about when you were fondling me in my sleep, earlier?" James's blush intensifies and he shakes his head violently. "It wasn't like that either! Your changing how it really happened!" His voice was an immature wine. Meowth just rolls his eyes at the bickering couple. "So how's we goin to gets outta here?" He asks nonchalantly.

It instantly went silent between the two as they all thought of ideas of escaping. "Well, we could always try having our Pokemon lift us out." James states, not really sure of what to do. Jessie nods her head at the idea, trying to add onto it. "Well, seeing as how I've got no ideas, let's try James's idea."

A blush covers the violet haired boy's face as he nods in agreement, pulling out a pokeball. "Okay wheezing, come out." He says quietly, not going unnoticed by Jessie. "Arabok you too, come out." She says with a half smile.


After a few failed attempts, the trio finally made it out of the whole, only absolutely exhausted. "It's still early." James states while laying on the ground next to Jessie. She just huffs audibly and looks over at Meowth. "A nap sound good to you guys?" She asks, followed by a cute yawn.

The two males of the group nod and make themselves comfortable. "I'll sleep over here so you two's can cuddles all you wants." Meowth states this with a mischievous look on his face, earning a scowl and death glare from both of his partners.

Jessie made sure to lay at least six feet away from her male partner, blushing furiously as she stole a glance at him just to see him looking at her too. "G-good night!" She says just before turning over, laying her head down, and falling to sleep. James looks like a kicked puppy before mumbling a "goodnight" and laying down.

AN: okay, I'm absolutely in love with this ship. So while Miraculous ladybug is making us wait for season 3 :p , I'll be writing this😁. See ya next update!

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