
42 11 9

the following rules should be followed.

#001 - netiquette - of course, please respect other players as well. everyone has feelings and we wouldn't want to hurt them.

#002 - activity - we wouldn't want this to die, do we? make sure to check out the chatrooms and vote + comment as well! it doesn't have to be much but it would be appreciated if so.

#003 - solving - there'll be puzzles here and there, so make sure to solve or discuss it in the chatrooms. teamwork makes the dream work!

#004 - inquiry - if there's any questions, you can ask me, alisa, if you need help or something. don't worry, i'm a softie!

#005 - admission number - please do not expose your admission number if you do not want your character to have an immediate death, and that's no fun!

#006 - freedom - you have the freedom to choose your actions! i'll be giving you choices. if you had chosen to kill, you can get creative with how you'll kill.

#007 - fiction - what happens in the game, stays in the game. don't bring drama out of the game.

#008 - enjoy - the purpose of this game is entertainment. so please have fun!

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