a chance of a life time

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                 the year is 1975 and I'm preparing for what is sure to be the greatest day of my 17 year old life. Today my best friend Zoe and I are going to a meet and greet for my all time favorite band queen its an early birthday present from my folks. I pick out the perfect outfit to meet the band a pair of red leggings and my favorite queen t-shirt that was black i through on a pair of black chucks to complete the look. my next task was my long brown hair i decide its best left down so i quickly brush through it which i tell you is quite a task because of its length it reaches my butt I've always wanted to cut it but i just cant I've become attached to say the least anyways 

  Let me tell you a little bit more about me i was born march 4th 1958 in Arkansas shortly after my 6th birthday i was sent to England to live  with my uncle who would help me control my powers yes you heard right powers I have the ability to see the futures of other and also the ability to travel through time (though I'm still having issues with it ) any ways i don't see my parents often mostly just letters and the occasional birthday or Christmas  gift.  

any ways back to the meet and greet its about time for me to leave and go pick up Zoe. now Zoe is in love with the bands guitarist john deacon and I was infatuated with their drummer roger Taylor and of course everyone loves Freddie but he seemed a little to stuck up for my liking  but I wont lie I did have a crush on him  anyways back to reality I make my way out the door and head for Zoe's house which is only a hop skip and a jump from the venue where the meet and greet would be held I made sure to grab my night at the opera album that had been their most recent release in my opinion its a masterpiece you can really sense all the hard work that went into the production 

 A few moments I reached Z's house and no surprise she was outside waiting for me "ready to go rusty" she asks with excitement "I told you not to call me that " I giggled as we start walking down the street to the venue " sorry Rustyn " she laughs  it takes us half a second to get to the theatre and it looks like were here a little early no one is here yet except the visible tour that must belong to the band "ah you guys are the first ones here well its your lucky day come on in " a man dressed in a suit and tie says and so we follow him.

it doesn't take long for us to realize where we were being lead  we were being brought backstage where the dressing rooms and make up stations were held "um excuse me sir where are we going " I asked shyly " Mr. mercury requested the first set of fans to show up to be brought to the dressing    room to meet the band personally he likes dedication I guess" the man who I later find out is named tucker keelson "oh okay " I say so calm we make it to the doors "okay girls Freddie is in this room" he points to the door to his left " and the rest are in this room" he points to his right " pick a room" he smiles Zoe chooses the door on the right for she knows john deacon is in there so that leaves     me with Freddie well dang I was hopping to meet roger oh well 

I knock on the door "who is it " a voice from the other side says " um Rustyn Penelope chamberlain " I say with almost immediate regret he doesn't care about my full name "come in " I open the door and walk in letting the door shut behind me "well hello darling how are you " the voice says who I finally see is the killer queen himself Freddie freaking mercury " I'm fine sir, how are you " I say as calmly as possible but he could clearly see my nervousness shining through "calm down sweetheart I don't bite ...hard " we both giggle "how old are you if you don't mind my asking " he asks "18 tomorrow " I reply "good and legal then" he says with a slight sexual tone that immediately made me blush                            

   Freddie and I talked and joked around until his handler came and got him. He walked over to me and gave me a  hug and it happened right then and there it happened  a vision and it was the most horrific and sad vision I've ever. it showed Freddie withering away to nothing. i quickly escape from his embrace and run to meet up with Zoe now besides my family Z i the only one who knows about my powers  so i had to tell her. it doesn't take long for me to find her. she sees me and calls me over to meet who shes talking. all i can see is long blonde hair and i instantly knew who it was

    roger was everything i dreamed he would be his eyes sparkled and his hair was beautiful i was in love. "hello you must be rusty" he said extending his hand "actually is Rustyn " i said accepting the hand shake "thats an interesting name whats your middle name " he asked releasing his grip "Penelope, Rustyn Penelope Chamberlain" i smiled proudly as i spoke my full name. "beautiful name for a beautiful girl " his comment made me blush but my mind was still on freddie " ill see you around yeah you live far from here?" roger asked pulling me out of my daze " oh um bout a block away down on Harrison Rd, " i smiled " i know where that is , well it was nice meeting you both but i best be going " he gave us both hugs which i could have swear was gonna ignite another vision but it didn't nothing why was freddie so different little did i know i would soon find out what made freddie so different.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2019 ⏰

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