Double Dose

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Title: Double Dose

Pairing: Percy x Fred x George

Requested by: **Thank you so much for voting. Here is your prize!**

Wattpad - @Ciel_Phantomhive8789, @Wolfman35m, @Magy1514, @SupersizedMcshizzle3, @foxsenpai7, @Yaoi4lifeforever, @TheMoonsProtecter, @shadowray17, @aidanvalcich, @JasonTodd1234567, @AlexisRaeAdame22, @im_a_weirdo_for_life, @lamming19, @NewtJackson24, @emilyclaire77, @RanMikiSuDia, @blackbirdmagic, @JojoKlue, @angellove2019, @BlueMoonKnight

AO3 - imightcry, Cediems, Queenyuri, Red (Red_Balloons), zeynel

FFNT - TheEmeraldBadger, Natsume1111, Yukatana, julia1994 and 1 guest


|Third Person POV|

George woke up early on Saturday morning. So early that it was still dark out. He looked at his clock and noticed it was 2 am. The ginger got up from his bed as quietly as he could and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

"It's a bit early isn't it?"

George jumped at the voice.

"Give a guy a little warning."

"Sorry about that." There was a pause. "What's keeping you up?"

"What makes you think anything is keeping me up, Percy?"

"Lucky guess", Percy said with a shrug.

The two sat in silence for a while before George finally spoke, "I miss Fred. Miss him being here. Next to me. I miss planning new pranks and getting into arguments over stupid things." The ginger sighed. "I keep seeing him die over and over again." A tear fell from his eye.

Percy walked closer to George, placing a hand on his, "Sometimes I relive my girlfriend's death in my nightmares. The first few months after she was killed I couldn't close my eyes without seeing her terrified ones."

"And now?"

"Well with help from a friend, I've been able to move on with my life. I know she wouldn't have wanted me to shut down and stop having joy in my life. Kyros helped me see that it was ok to be happy. That I wasn't betraying her for continuing to live my life. I guess what I'm saying is if you need someone to talk to I'll listen."

George released his breath he didn't realize he was holding. "Thanks. I think I really needed that."

Percy smiled, squeezed his hand and left the kitchen. George poured himself half a glass of milk to drink and then he went back to bed. He had a restful sleep without any interruptions.


Over the next few weeks, Percy and George grew closer together. They bonded over pranks and shared fun stories of their past. Every Saturday, Percy would accompany George to St. Mungos to see Fred. However, today something was different. There are nurses rushing around. As the pair gets closer to Fred's room, Percy notices two nurses rushing out of the room. Then a doctor goes in.

"Um. Excuse me? What's going on?" George asks a nurse as she rushes by.

Percy pulls the redhead to his brother's door and knocks. He pushes the door open and they see Fred sitting. Well, the bed was raised up and Fred's eyes were open. George rushes to his twin's side and engulfs him in a tight hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2019 ⏰

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