Feet first into hell

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Location: EARTH, Kenyan port of New Mombasa' UNSC frigate 'The Orion's fate'

Timestamp: October 20th 2552. 04:13

Unit ID: Orbital Drop Shock Trooper (Male, 27, 6'2'') Corporal.

Status: eagerly awaiting his drop.

The troopers were all surrounding a large Holo-table inside the ready room. The city of New Mombasa appeared in a bright blue hologram, and the prophet of Regret's assualt carrier which orbited the city appeared in a bright purple in Earth's low orbit.

''Pft!.. ok, but why only one carrier?'' one of the troopers asked. The squad leader glanced from the other side of the holo-table over at him.

''Well.. it broke past the UNSC's defenses, and our navy was sweet enough to leave this one for us. We just need to wait for the all clear from the other squads onboard the frigate.'' She explained.

The Trooper sighed quietly as he sat down in his chair.

''It shouldn't be long before the covies get reinforced ya know...'' he said before hanging his head low and the entire squad, including the captain looked at him.

"You sure a battalion will be enough ma'am?'' he said looking up at her worried.

The other odst troopers from the armoury section of the ready room turned their helmets over to him. The captain glanced over at the other ODSTs from around the room then spoke out loud.

''And what makes you say that corporal?'' she said cocking a eyebrow.

''Because it wasn't enough on Reach! Not even for a Spartan!'' He shouted.

''Corporal! Lock it down!' I thought you couldn't wait for the drop to the Assault Carrier!?.'' She said angered.

Much as he disagreed with this mission's plan, she was right.. he needed to try and calm down and act accordingly. All the other ODSTs in the room continued to prepare themselves for the mission, and after looking around at his fellow squad members he realised that maybe he shouldn't be worrying about them so much, after all this wasn't Reach and these weren't marines, no! these were Orbital Drop Shock Troopers! The elite! What could they face that they haven't before!?

''Sorry captain, you.. you're right, it's just i-''

But before he could finish his sentence sirens and lights begin to flare inside the ready room. The captain then grabs her M90 shotgun and then her helmet, putting it over her head and signals the other three troopers that stood around the holo-table to walk past the corporal. the Captain however, stopped next to him and layed her hand on his shoulder and looked into his eyes through her helmets dark black visor. The corporal was still hanging his head low, not from shame, but from thinking so hard. The Captain watched his face as it began to grow tight with thought as his eyes squinted. she then shook her trooper's shoulder to try and get his attention but to no avail.

''Corporal?'' She said nudging his shoulder a second time.

''Yo! Corporal!'' She shouted from her helmet's voice com. She then smacked the side of her helmet twice. ''ugh! Is this thing even on? son of a-'' she said quietly through her com before taking her helmet off examining it, but as she checked for any damages done to her Purple lined helmet She started to hear the corporal begin to chuckle. She then looked back up at him only to see him trying his best not to laugh as he pulled his face from her view.

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