For the Covenant!

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Location: EARTH, Kenyan port of New Mombasa

Timestamp: October 20th 2552. 08:14

Unit ID: Xomi 'Revumai (Female, 28, 6'8'') Elite Minor.

Status: feeling pressured

The streets were quiet, and it was dark. All that could be heard was the crackling of fire from the side of a burning building and a overturned car's alarm in the distance. A covenant phantom's engine could be heard far from the street square's location.

The phantom drop ship appears from one of the covenant's cruisers flying towards one of the city's streets and lands down in the middle of the unrecognisable street Square. A large brute chieftain then orders a couple of small grunts to jump out first, then followed by four jackles. The brute cheiftain then turns to face the few brutes and elites.

"Move out!." He shouted.
The Lance - (covenant term for a squad of troops)
-all nodded and one by one they hoped out of the phantom.
Three Sangheili stepped out the drop ship, followed by two brutes. They looked back up at remaining brutes and Sangheili who were about to drop out as well until the cheiftain stopped them with his arm and growled. The cheiftain then looked down at the lance.
"We'll regroup ahead, scout this area for any humans!." The Sangheili leader then nodded.
The other brutes onboard growled in complaint before the phantom's door's closed and started to hover up until it flew away out of the city street and out of the Lance's sight.

The Sangheili minor made her way down the ruined street with her lance. All of the remaining human transportation had been blown to the side of the street and one of the traffic lights was flickering above.

"Such inferior technology, it's no wonder the demon's planet is falling so quickly." She said to herself.

A small baby blue armoured grunt waddles over by her side and nudges her by her leg. The Sangheili cocked a eyebrow as she looked down at the small blue grunt as they walked with their Lance in the street.

"Greetings Xomi!." said the grunt cheerfully.

"Now is not the time for discussion Zayap." She said looking up at the top of the street buildings.

"Awghh, Why not? It's very unlikely we'll find anymore filthy humans left in this city anyway!" said the grunt, throwing his plasma pistol up into the air then catching it with his hands. He continued to play with his weapon repeatedly for fun while the sangheili major wasn't looking.

"The prophet's cruiser's slip space rupture that left this city in this state would make one think so." She said before The grunt's gun lands on the grunts head by mistake from failing to catch it.

"AouCh!" He said rubbing his head in embarrassment while picking up his plasma pistol off the side walk. Xomi stared at him unamused and rolled her eyes.
The sangheili Major stares back at the baby blue armoured grunt. Zayap spotted his gaze and quickly looked around to seem distracted.

"Uh.. indeed Xomi" he said looking away from her gazed due to the huge amount shame he felt. The sangheili major discontinued his gaze from Zayap and proceeds onto leading his squad down the dark street.

"You unggoy suprise me." Said Xomi

"Oh? Suprise you how?" Said Zayap.

"Such childish behaviour even into adulthood and yet you seem to care little of what the other species within our ranks think."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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