Chapter 11

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Merlin and Saiki now

"Black-hole dust??" Saiki asked looking at Merlin
"Yep" she replied
"Lets get it over with" Merlin walked up ahead.

Merlin done some magic for them to get to a black hole.

"I never seen one, so big" Saiki stated floating like a idiot, and looking up at it.
"Lets get it qu-" Merlin stopped mid sentence
"Oh.... my..... god" she looked up at this giant dragon like creature, the protector of this black hole, they would have went for a smaller one, but this black hole is powerful enough to kill the entire population, but if mixed right, will do good.

"Ok, Saiki to keep it busy I'll get the dust" Merlin looked at him
"Does it have a name?"
"Makhluk" Merlin said.

"Makhluk  look at me!" Saiki waved his arms around, the Makhluk looked at him, opening its mouth and out came Stars?

"Don't get hit" Merlin said only Saiki heard tho.

'Time to play dumb.... god save me, how does one get out this mess? I only wanted coffee jelly!'

"Got it!" Merlin shouted making her way over
"Great, lets get out of here" Saiki mumbled.

Back! Unknown to them, Saiki got hit.

Hey guys! Sorry about the time I took off, I needed that break, also I tried to make it interesting sooo yea!

Makhluk is a type of Japanese word, it means creature.

Hope you liked it!


~Word count 273


I made this story thinking no one would read it, like omg thanks guys!

Bye (if you want a special, comment)

What Is This Place? (The Disastrous Life Of Saiki K. Crossover Seven Deadly SinsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя