Winged-The Fall

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I always had wanted to die in the arms of some one I loved, to me it seemed like the best way to go, just to lay there and spend my last few seconds with them. If only it hadn't come to this, but its not like I wanted to die now, but sometimes you have to make a sacrifice for the greater good, maybe now I can finally be the hero.

                     CHAPTER 1


"huh what" I muttered as I woke from my day dream. 

Jason, get back to work" my supervisor barked at me.

Yes sir, sorry sir" I replied I really do need to stop day dreaming like that I thought, if I dont stay on my quota the fleur's will be down our throats about us not keeping up with demands,  I still wonder why they need all these guns there's no way they want to go to war with the city state Georon atleast not after last time. 

Jason! I will not tell you again" get to work

Alright, im going." I replied in a hurry to get the next 40 Assault Rifle stocks finished before the hour finsihed. 

At least i'm apart of bleu I have a job and a decent room to stay in, no mansions like the leader or geniuses in fleur, not even a house or full apartment like the sleu they had nice office jobs or regular labor jobs, unlike the bleu whom have to work the hard labor jobs like plantation or factory jobs, but anything is better than being with the wasted, the men and women whom either lost their job, or are to old to work a bleu job.

Before I knew it, it was time to go. "whew" I thought"Just barely made my quota for today"

Hey Jason!"

I looked over to see my friend Zach standing outside my factory job next to his nice BMW 

Hey Zach, what are you doing here I replied

Thought I'd come see you, come on get in my car

Although I wasnt the biggest fan of zach my feet were killing me and no one in bleu had a car so I decided to get in the car with him.

Hey man how's it going" Zach said

You already know how it is Zach"I said coldly to him" hardly have enough for rent most mouths

Sorry man, about everything that happened to you. 

He's obviously referring to when I went from a privileged fleur to a orphaned child who's life was going down hill fast.

I wish I could of helped you but rules are rules and they are there for a reason

Yeah, I muttered

He would never understand what real tragedy is nor would he understand real work. 

Hey man, so I was talking to my dad, and he said he might have an office job for you next week if you want it" Zach said optimistically

Really! That'd be great" I said hopefully

Yeah dude, ill let my dad know your interested, im sure you'll get the job" He said 

Thanks Zach, really I really appreciate it" I said

we had just arrived to my building where I lived, I waved bye to zach and said ill call you later I said as I walked to my room, once there I noticed my door was busted down, actually a lot of peoples were knocked down.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2014 ⏰

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