The Fighting Queen Of Kawakami

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Somewhere in the small town of Kawakami city, lives nine teenagers, some with their families, most without. The Kazama Family is, well, still together, obviously and it's mostly just a normal day, except for the exciting news brought upon Kawakami Momoyo, the oldest of the group of friends.

“Kawakami Momoyo” Kawakami Tesshin called for his granddaughter.

“Yes?” Momoyo asked tiredly.

“We’ve found an interesting challenger for you,” Kawakami Temple’s assistant master, Lu, explained. “There’s an event being held bi-yearly in Korea called the Wild’s-League, hosted by Wild’s High School. Young fighters from everywhere join the tournament. Plus, it’s a perfect opportunity to have a fight with the league’s best fighter, Miss Yoon In Gyi.”

“Haha, a tournament?” Momoyo became more and more excited at the mention of a fight. “I’ll make sure to win, let’s see just how powerful Miss Yoon In Gyi is. Hahaha!”


“So that’s why you’re in such a good mood, nee-san,” Naoe Yamato comments on his ‘sister’s’ excitement.

"I'm going to eat peaches in Korea!" Momoyo sings happily. "Ah~~ I'm so excited I want to sing!"

“Momo-sempai, you’re going to Korea?” another voice joins. This is the voice of Morooka Takuya, or for short, Moro.

“Yup,” Momoyo replies self-satisfied. “I’m going in a few weeks, February 27th!”

“That’s actually only half a week…” Yamato corrects.

“I’m going to fight Yoon In Gyi!” Momoyo sings again, though she’s never actually seen Yoon In Gyi fight before.

“That’s pretty cool,” Yamato says. “You’ll get to fight a lot and you won’t get to bother me when a fight is unsatisfactory.”

“Hahaha, little bro, you’re coming with me then!” Momoyo exclaims, cracking her knuckles.

“No way! I have to go to school!” Yamato rejects briskly.

“Onee-sama! I want to go!” Momoyo’s adopted little sister comes running with tires tied to her. Kawakami Kazuko is still extremely energetic even after running for so long and often acts dog-like, so she is known within the group as Wanko.

“Sorry Wanko,” Momoyo says while patting Wanko’s head. “The old man says you can’t come.”

“Then why am I allowed to go?” Yamato inquires.

“’Miyako, Mororo and Mayumayu can come too.  ‘Anyone who’s not failing school can come’. That’s what the old man said,” Momoyo answers. “He’ll pay for it too. Hahaha!”

“I’m totally going!” Kazama Shouichi exclaims, though he is failing school. “My grades don’t matter since I’m going to be an adventurer anyways!”

“Wild’s High School is an all-girls school, wait no. It just became co-ed, but the number of male students is extremely low. Also, the school is mainly focused on martial arts, their slogan is: ‘Physical health is national health’” Moro reads from his cell phone. “They host the Wild’s League twice every year and invite young fighters from all over the world to come fight. The three year champion, Kim Hye Shin, was recently defeated by Yoon In Gyi in the tournament and lost her title as Queen.”

“Wow! An all-girls school! I’ll go and show them my muscular body!” Shimazu Gakuto boasts, showing his well-muscled arms.

“If it’s a fighting school, I’m sure that their muscles are more impressive than yours,” Yamato says.

“Do you want to see my muscles, Yamato-kun?” A sweet voice says. Miyako Shiina clings onto Yamato’s arms.

“No, not really,” Yamato tells her.

“Um, m-may I accompany you as well?” Mayuzumi Yukie stammers. She is known within the group as Mayucchi, except for Momoyo who calls her Mayumayu.

“I think my grades are accomplished enough to join you to Korea,” Christiane Friedrich (Chris), an exchange student from Germany states in a dignified manner.

“If Yamato-kun is going, then I’m going to,” Miyako chimes.

“Eh? Why are you clinging to me?” Yamato backs away, though he already knows the answer. He gets prepared to say the usual response.

“Because I love you, Yamato,” Miyako says sweetly.

“Let’s just be friends,” Yamato rejects her.

“Aww, I’m rejected again,” Miyako pretends to start sobbing, but Yamato sees through it. He’s been through this almost every day of his life.

“Mayumayu, how about you join the tournament too, we’re sure to face each other at the end. Hahaha!” Momoyo suggests, still trying wanting to fight Mayucchi.

By the way, Momoyo and Mayucchi are both in the 4 Devas, or the Big Four, the strongest four in the world. They are ranked 1st and last respectively.

The group of 9 teenagers walks along the Tama River, heading towards Kawakami High School.

“Hey, Kazama Family! You guys are still together, huh,” a shopkeeper calls out to them as they cross the bridge across the river, known as the Bridge of Weirdos.

The group of 9 call themselves the Kazama Family after their leader, Kazama Shouichi’s last name, though the group usually calls him Capt.

“Aw, that’s not fair! I’m the only one not going?!” Kazuko whines.

“You should get your grades up first,” Yamato tells her.

“Maybe I’ll make an exception this time, Wanko,” Momoyo says.

“It’s not even your decision, nee-san.” Yamato reminds Momoyo.

“Shut up, or do you want define punishment for saying that?” Momoyo retorts.

The gang arrives at school and split up to their respective classes. Momoyo heads for the third floor, class 3-F, Mayucchi goes to the first floor, class 1-C, and the rest of the gang enters class 2-F. The classes are ordered by the performance of the students, F being the most troublesome class and S being the class for top-notch special students.

“Ume-sensei’s coming!” the tiny class-rep, Amakatsu Mayo, warns. “Everybody sit down!”

Everyone immediately sits down and waits for Umeko-sensei to enter.

Finally, Umeko-sensei walks in, her whip at ready. The reason everyone sat down so quickly is because Umeko is the most terrifying homeroom teacher there is, and she believes in corporal punishment, hence the whip.

And thus another normal semi-chaotic day passes.

(A/N: I wasn't sure about the dates, like when the school year starts and when summer vacations start and stuff so I was just guessing.

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