Part I - The Hiker's Reunion

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Don't Go There

Written By: LaLa Leo

January 2019

Part I - The Hiker's Reunion

When you're chasing your dream, do you oftentimes wonder if you're really chasing a nightmare? With deadly hazards looming and lurking around every nook and cranny, it is a miracle that most of us are favored enough to survive to adulthood and live long enough to watch our children enter adulthood as well. As miraculous as that is, for those that experience an untimely or tragic death, remorse grows within us that are left behind for loved ones lost to this ever-changing algorithm.

When one thinks of death or accepting it, we imagine a peaceful exit in our slumber; cozy in our warm beds. Or, a horrendous murderer that has killed us leaving us in a pandering dilemma. Either way, it is inevitable. But, what of the fears following death? Leaving family behind, unfinished business, unfulfilled dreams all foreboding within a now obscured spirit forbidden to ever exist among the living again. There's no second chance. But, what of deeper fears such as... no one knowing what happened to you or how you died? Would you allow your spirit to pass or remain?

Living as an engineering student in the middle of any century would be a definite challenge. For Igor, it was a mission that he embraced, loved and viewed as a decree from a higher power. At 23, he was enrolled as a radio engineering student at Ural Polytechnical Institute in the Soviet Union with many of his good friends and colleagues. Known as the biggest technical institute of higher education in Russia, he considered himself lucky to escape the Orwellian pressure of the Communist party. Born in January 1936 to the Russian Federation, this was just 16 years after the Institute opened its doors for the very first time. If only he had caught so much as a small hint of his fate, he would have still ventured, fearing nothing and no one. January 1959 would prove this to be true.

His love interests at the time were hiking and the Ural Mountains which created the perfect love triangle for someone like Igor. Because of his fermented passion, he became a Grade II Hiker with ski tour experience and anticipated earning his Grade III certification after his upcoming mountainous adventure to Mount Otorten with his old friends that was long overdue. This would be the expedition of a lifetime! And, he was truly prepared, ready and longing to feel the freedoms of the Russian tundra.


In the frosty hours of the early morning, an old train arrived in Ivdel carrying the best group of friends to ever traverse the Russian wilderness and the excitement was growing with each passing second. The freedom that they all feel each time they are one with the elements is incomparable and they all needed a much-needed break from their studies. As the train coasted to an abrupt halt enveloping all of the waiting passengers in steam, everyone hopped off and wandered about the picturesque Sverdlovsk for a brief period marveling at the quaint town located within the northern province center and grew tired from their travels, some of them coming from afar. The small group didn't have many words while awaiting a truck to take them to their destination as they spent so much time catching up on the train car.

As the truck finally arrived just before dusk, the friends gathered slowly into the vehicle, one by one to escape the frigid cold and traveled just a little longer along the dark roads before reaching the last lorry village settlement to the north, known as Vizhai. This would be the last village inhabited by people before there was nothing but mountains, wilderness, and forestry for thousands of miles. But, all were ready for this vacation without a shadow of a doubt. Yuri sat quietly gazing out of the window as his glasses illuminated every so often in the darkness while he silently observed nothing. Though tired, Igor quietly joked and mused with Rustik, Tibo and Georgiy smiling widely displaying his proud gap.

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