Part II - A Hiker's Dream

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Don't Go There

Written By: LaLa Leo

February 2019

Part II - A Hiker's Dream

"The best of the best can be the worst of the worst at times. Yes, misquoted, but still true." - LaLa Leo

Igor danced happily around a blazing campfire, juggling a pack of cigars taunting the others about imports. He had spent most of the morning tinkering with the radio that he'd invented to withstand such low temperatures. Lyudmila glared wide-eyed as a pet bunny as she struggled not to burst into laughter at his behavior. Her attempts at stifling her outbursts resulting in small clouds as she coughed. Zina shook her head in disbelief as Yuri looked off, attempting to ignore the likes of everyone. Rustik, Tibo and Aleksander made their early departure from camp quite a while ago to search for more firewood and re-stock on water.

Sasha sat down harshly with a PLOP into the wet snow and laughed heartily as he motioned for Igor to bring him a cigar. The crystal clear lake's waters reflected in the distance illuminating the small clearing outside of the wooded highlands. The air was crisp and there wasn't another human soul around, but them.

"My good sir," Igor bowed as he stumbled while handing Sasha a cigar, laughing from his drunkenness at his mistake and Sasha smiled sincerely.

"Georgiy! Are you done yet? I'm bored over here." Igor called out as Georgiy had also left a few minutes prior, but in the opposite direction of the others to relieve himself.

"Privacy, Igor! Then, we can publicly embarrass ourselves in front of the ladies..." Georgiy trailed off with a loud THUD as if he'd fallen somewhere in the distance and to this, Zina chuckled, looking over at Yuri.

Yuri observed her for a moment, but hardly reacted and stood up abruptly to retire to his tent. She understood his reserved nature and felt an inclination to follow while watching him walk away, but her thoughtful gaze was interrupted when she noticed Lyudmila quiet and observing her.

She got up and dusted herself off lightly, grabbed an extra wooly navy blanket from her harness and walked over to wrap it around the young girl, who had resumed watching the men, quiet as a mouse. She barely looked up as Zina walked over to the fire just before Igor began to ask about who was going to scale the fish.

Sasha immediately stood and began to proceed in the direction of their spoils as Igor graciously nodded and held up his cigar in appreciation. Zina looked over them both, shaking her head slowly with an eye roll. Despite this, she was so glad she could feel the fresh mountainous air and see everyone again without constantly being watched or followed. It was a feeling like no other.

Shortly, Georgiy made his way down the short hill behind the tents within the edge of the highland area and rubbed his hands with rigor before putting them in front of the fire. Covered in snow, they were now sure that he had indeed fallen. Lyudmila chuckled a little at Georgiy's appearance being covered in snow and he quickly gazed over at her, smiling innocently.

Within a few more moments, Rustik and Tibo returned with the firewood, ready to help prepare their next meal before pressing onward tomorrow. Just before evening, they all ventured out to the cache surplus location they had agreed on to store resources for their trip back. They would prepare for climbing the next day that would ensure safe passage through the mountain pass.

They arrived at the preset coordinates and stored a nice quantity of rations and medical supplies deciding on what was best to leave behind. Once this was done, they collectively gathered their things counting the hours until the sun would set. Returning to the camp proved to be a bit difficult as dusk arrived early. With a blazing fire back at camp, Sasha and Igor were sure they'd be able to easily make it out from only a few miles away.

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