Chapter | One

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Aquarius had been with Scorpio, who had been comforting her worries more and more lazy. Though she never vocalized what those worries had been about, he knew it was concerning Lucy. 

The truth was that Aquarius loved Lucy with her very being. She remembered when Layla told her she was pregnant, telling the blue haired spirit she hoped for a girl to teach her magic too, but she also saw the worry that shinned in Layla's eyes. 

"For a woman carrying a child, worry and stress are things you shouldn't be having. It's not good for the baby Layla." Aquarius told her softly, the master who treated her more like friend than an object. That alone was rare for a Celestial Mage, who treated spirits as tools at times. Layla, the woman Aquarius would do anything for, someone truly special .

"My linage has been blessed in being able to have Celestial Magic, to meet you and Capricorn- it's been a gift. Yet I worry Aquarius, because her father's bloodline has a curse on firstborns and eventually that curse will take my child's life."

Aquarius had been well aware of the being Layla was, the magic that flowed through her was more than normal for a mage. It was because of witches that celestial beings even existed, with the help of the Celestial King. It was because of a Heartfilia, who wielded the magic of the Celestial Spirit King, that twelve individuals over time were chosen to become part of the zodiac. 

What most spirits didn't know, except a few, were that most silver and bronze keys were once humans, they had lives and did exceptional things that brought them to the spirit world to be reborn to continue living without their memories of their past lives. The Golden Zodiac Keys were different, because they were created before the other keys, and help aid in the creation of the other spirits, with the help of the Celestial Spirit King. 

It was the reason he was so fond of their Lucy.  It was because of her heritage that Aquarius and the others lived, being chosen when they made a difference in humanity and were to die before their time. As Zodiacs , they stood to protect what they were and all they stood for and Aquarius was gifted the knowledge to do this, but the reasonings had their consequences.

"I won't allow that to happen Layla." Aquarius promised, holding onto her friend's hand as she tried to ease the other woman's stress. "We will find a loophole, because I promise that nothing will come to harm your child. I promise that if it is a girl and she has the ability to be a Celestial Mage, then we will make her the greatest Celestial Mage to ever live. She will live a long and healthy life, Layla."

"You mean that, Aquarius?" Layla sniffled, her hormones making her all emotional over her usually stoic and grumpy spirit's words.

Aquarius offered a small smile, "I do, and a Celestial Spirit never breaks their promise."

"Or Celestial mages!" Layla chirped in. "Our words are binding."

That day on Tartaros, Aquarius had lied to Lucy about her being nothing like her mother. Lied about her being nothing close to being as graceful or beautiful, or even strong like Layla. How she hated her since she was a child, and she would be happy not being able to be called on anymore. 

In truth, Aquarius wanted to cry that day, to hug Lucy and say goodbye. Yet if she did that, Lucy would have never saved the people she loved, and knew the consequences that choice would not only bring Lucy but the whole kingdom. She wished so badly to have the chance now to tell Lucy she possessed all the grace and beauty her mother held, that she was strong and had so much she needed to be strong for. Aquarius had fulfilled her promise to Layla the best she could, but Lucy would need her now more than ever. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2019 ⏰

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