= Character Introduction 8 =

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Anthony Don Jo & Dorothy Lily Jo

= Dorothy's Age: 39 | Anthony's Age: 42 =

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= Dorothy's Age: 39 | Anthony's Age: 42 =

= Quotes: "Our family was happy before Damion passed away." 

"This house seems a bit dark and creepy Anthony.."=

= Anthony & Dorothy's POV =

When our children were young, they had an adoptive brother named Damion, and he passed away. He was hit by a car, he wondered out in the street..and a speeding woman drove by and hit him..It was a hit and run, our baby boy never got justice. 

12 years later...

We packed the last of the boxes into the house, Allie had ran up to pick out a room, she was given the attic bedroom. She was thrilled to decorate it. Aaron ran to his feeling ecstatic about decorating his. They were both creative kids. There were five rooms in the house. We of course went to put Damion's stuff in his room, decorating it the way he had it when last played and slept in his bed. Us parents couldn't let go of our baby boy... A part of me died that day..as for Allie she doesn't remember her brother Damion, she was three at the time. I told Aaron to never talk about Damion to Allie. Our kids were amazing...doing amazing things, Allie has always wanted to be a detective so she is taking a class in high-school for it. Aaron always copying his younger sister, he wants to do the same thing, He also really wants to be an artist. Lovely kids.

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