Introducing Me

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          Mickey is in his dance class. Mickey is super passionate about dance and like to express all of his emotions through his ballet class. Maddie always knew that she loved Mickey. However, Mickey didn't know who Maddie was. Every Monday, Maddie would always go to Mickey's dance studio and peer through the window, watching Mickey leap, turn, and express her emotions. Maddie was hoping that one day, just one of these days, Mickey would notice her and they would fall in love at first sight.

          One day, Maddie had the courage to walk into Mickey's dance class to introduce herself. Mickey was stretching when Maddie walked in. Maddie said, "Hi, I'm good at wasting time. I think lyrics need to rhyme and your not asking, but I'm trying to grow a mustache." Mickey was about to ask Maddie what she was doing in his class but before he could get any words out, Maddie said, "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" and pushed her finger on Mickey's mouth so he couldn't deny his love for her. Maddie continued," Don't talk! I like cheese, but only on pizza, please. And sometimes on a homemade quesadilla, otherwise it smells like feet to me."

              Mickey was confused so he said, "I know, you see, somehow the world will change to me and be so wonderful."

             Maddie interrupted Mickey , "You and me got the world to see, so come on down. Just me and you know what to do, so come on down. This is the suite life."

           Mickey then said, "When the crowd wants more, I bring on the thunder, cause you got my back and I'm not going under. You're my point, your my guard, you're the perfect chord, and I see you and me together on every billboard."

            Maddie squealed, "Oh my goodness Mickey! Im shocked! I knew you loved me! You see me and you together on every billboard?! That's so romantic!" Maddie was so happy. She grabbed Mickey's hand and dragged him out of the class. Maddie dragged him all the way to Maddie's electric scooter. Maddie let Mickey ride on the scooter while Maddie ran next to it. They stopped at a McDonald's about a mile away from the dance studio.

          Somehow, Maddie knew that Mickey would fall in love with her today, so she came prepared with a ring, ready to propose. Maddie got on one knee. Her bare skin was touching the ground through the hole in her sweatpants. Mickey was astonished. His face grew red. He tried to speak but couldn't get the words out. He began to choke. They both thought that he was just choking on his words but they later found out that it was a french fry lodged in his windpipe. He quickly spit it out and screamed, "Here I am, once again. Feeling lost, but now and then, I breathe it in to let it go. YES! YES OF COURSE I'LL MARRY YOU MADDIE!"

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