Introducing the Future

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Several years later...

"Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Pastor Sophie said to Maddie.

"I do! I do! I do!", Maddie said while staring and Mickey. "I'm so happy we get to spend the rest of one of our lives together!"

"Wait?! What do you mean?" Mickey said in a shocked tone.

Maddie started talking in a flirty manner. "Oh! Teehee! You're so silly Mickey! Well, if you think about it, one of us will die! Teehee! And then the other person lives alone forever and ever and ever and ever!"

"Oh! That makes sense! I'm such a silly boy for not understanding that! Teeheehee!" Mickey then took his right hand and booped Maddie's nose, symbolizing how silly he thinks Maddie is. Maddie's face got red and it was quite obvious to the 3-person crowd, that Maddie was a little bashful.

Then Sophie began talking again. "Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Mickey looked at Maddie. He had a look of fear in his eyes with a little bit of nervousness. He started biting his lip in a scared way and began fiddled with his hair. He turned to Maddie and sighed. "Look Maddie... I know we had all these plans to go to Costco and Justice and all these fun adventures... but there has been a... a secret... that I've kept from you since the day we met." Mickey looked down for a few seconds, then up, then back at Maddie. His eyes were tearing up. He looked at Sophie, who really didn't care about their problem. She just wanted to leave to go see her boyfriend Zach Herron at Hoopla's. Maddie and all of the 3 people in the crowd could tell that Mickey's eyes were about to let out a river of tears. "Ok. So I haven't shown you the real side of who I really am." Mickey takes both of his hands and puts them near his hairline, everyone was confused. He started peeling back a fake rubber mask of a face to reveal someone that looked nothing like Mickey. It was a girl.

She began talking in a hush voice, "My real name is Tori Horan. I'm sorry I've been lying to you. It's just that I'm too scared to show my face in pubic so i wear a mask. It all started when i dated this guy named Anakin. Long story short... he cheated on me for this person named Nora. I got really embarrassed that i was tricked by him, so I changed my name to Mickey, pretended to be a guy, and got a new face."

"So this whole time I've been in love with some creep named Tori?!"


Maddie was outraged and threw off her wedding dress and threw it to the side to reveal her sweatpants and t-shirt underneath. Maddie ran out of the church. Sophie wasn't sure what to do, so she just followed her out. Sophie wasn't planning on catching Maddie to save their relationship, she just wanted to go home.

Tori was proud of herself. She was very happy that she built up the courage to finally tell Maddie. Because of her overwhelming joy flowing through her body, Tori turned to the crowd and said, "This is real. This is me. I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be and now I'm gonna let the light shine on me. Now I found who I am. There's no way to hold it in. No more hiding who i want to be. This is me." The crowed all stood and clapped. Even JoJo stood up to cheer. They were all touched by the moment of Tori embracing her true self.

The crowd all felt like family at that moment so they all began to chant in unison, "We're all in this together once we know that we are, we're all stars and we see that. We're all in this together and it shows when we stand, hand in hand, make our dreams come truuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuue!"

The second the crowd ended their last note, they heard footsteps. Everyone could tell that it was Maddie coming back! Everyone got up and started smiling and looking at the Tori. They were all just waiting until Tori would finally look up to see Maddie walk through the door for her. Tori finally peered up. The footsteps were close outside, just seconds away from the door.

Everyone in the room gasped! They all screamed at the same time, "That's not Maddie! Thats-" ...


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