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My mom was perfectly healthy. She and my dad went jogging regularly, she ate well, she took good care of herself.

But suddenly she starting taking sick days. She had trouble sleeping. She even passed out at work once.

Dad took her to the doctor, thinking she might have mononucleosis or something. But no. 

She had breast cancer.


"Dad, have you seen my bag of chips?"

"Daddy, can you read me a book?"

"Dad, when are we going to stop?"

"Yeah, I have to go to the bathroom!"

My father ignored us until we stopped at a red light. He turned around and glare at us. I call it his 'Goofball Glare', because he's never really mad at us. My mom, though. When she pulled out her Queen Elenor look, you'd wish you were one million miles underground.

"Kids, I'm trying to drive." He said calmly. "And Mommy's sleeping."

My five-year-old brother Caleb and I exchanged glances. Mom was always sleeping these days.

Dad turned back to the front, and put his eyes back on the road. Caleb got out my IPad and started watching VeggieTales videos. I dug inside my bag, looking for a book. I managed to fish out my Bible, and did what I did whenever I felt sad or discouraged; I flipped it open to a random page and landed on Deuteronomy. My eyes trailed down the page and I found a commonly sought out verse from my youth- Deuteronomy 31:6

6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."

Usually, this verse gave me hope. I had looked at this page countless times when I was little, and it was a little worn from me running my finger over it so many times. 

But not today.

I shoved my Bible back into my duffle, and I stared out the window. If God really hadn't forsaken me, then why was my mom sick?

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