I'm Fine

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The loudness covers me
It helps me ease the walls

Because it seems
That when I scream
The voices all fade out to gray

But I can't tell you what's going on inside my mind
So I just smile and say that
I'm fine

You say you're trying hard
But in reality
You aren't trying at all

Your words hurt
They give me pain
Pain that I don't like to feel but crave
Pain that engulfs my body

Giving me aches
Along with the pain I hide with
The happy smiles
The giddy laughs
The hilarious personality

Maybe my smiles can be so fake
That it seems real

But now I'll never feel


Langst/ Klangst/ Klance  one shots {Requests are open}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ