First Day.

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As the Bullheads fly above, Garrett was sitting next to Simon. His twin Brother. Simon was calming Garrett down, settling his Nervousness.

"Thanks, Simon." Garret said Thankfully.

"No problem, Garrett." Simon said Cheerfully.

Kids got off the Bullheads, Simon and Garret left to the Initiation room, as we settle in on Sarah. She was walking with Emy her Friend.

"Where do we go?" Emy asked.

"Let's go there." Sarah pointed as we come across Jack. He's with Derrick. They didn't speak much only on Directions.

As we get to the Initiation room, Simon and Garret were sitting and waiting, after a while they met Ryan. After the First Day, they learned about their lockers and about Tomorrow. They were resting in a Bigger Area, As they Drifted off sleep.

A Figure Smirked, laying down in all Black.

The next day they all got their equipment and stood on the metal plates. After Ozpins' speach, they were all launched. Once Simon landed, he found Emy, and soon Hack with Derrick. When they got to the Temple they took some peices, they were the secons "Team" because 4 had already been picked. Garret was with Sarah as Ryan was what appeared to be no one. Soon more people got there and soon a Red Haired girl was being chases by a Deathstalker. And another girl fell onto a Blonde Boy, as another Red haired girl fell. Ryan jumped up and Grabbed Her and brought her back safely. As the other girl was about to get Peirced by the Grimm, the same Dark Figure from before Grabbed the Grimm's Stinger, and pushed it through the Grimm, and throwing it through the Nevermore above, and the Nevermore crashed into the other as they fell. Let me tell you, the look on their faces. It was the best. The Dark Figure went over to Ryan and made a Gesture to the others that it was time to go, and they followed.

"Wait!" A Girl cryed out.

The Man turned his head.

"Who are you?" She asked.

The Figure Smirked, and kept walking with his "Team".

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2019 ⏰

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