The Ocean Spoke...

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The ocean spoke words of wisdom upon the waves that day. Medusa stood looking out upon the water as it crashed down upon the sand. Those waves are like life. Taking for a bit then giving some back. Killing then birthing. A seashell washed upon the shore and sat by her toe. Living alone wasn't as miserable as Medusa had originally expected. 

Of all the places the gods decided to banish her to, her first idea was definitely not a paradise island. The water was always the perfect temperature and the island provided her with food. Though she had never been much of a fan of tropical fruits, the enchanted fruits of the island were growing on her. There were purple pineapples that cured any ailment and tasted of sweet grapes and honey. The bananas grew yellow but had a harsh red interior. Medusa had not found the reason for the bananas or the reason why they tasted of well cooked meat. And every time she tried to grow a coconut, the tree would die and sprout more bananas. 

Today was no different than any other day on the island of Kos. Medusa sat down on the sand, close enough to taunt the waves to lick the bottoms of her feet. Every so often the waves would answer her taunt, but not without drenching her with water. She looked up at the sun and noticed that the day was almost half over and she had yet to eat. 

"Well you have to eat something before fishing tonight. The mackerel are going to be breeding around this time and you know some fresh caviar is always good for a date of one." She jested, but still felt the pain. It had been almost 10 years since she'd spoken to another person, let alone creature. Every time she tried to summon or create something, Zeus would stop her. 

Medusa walked over to a basket she had weaved and checked inside. Crap. I'm all out of fruits! She looked around and noticed that there weren't any pineapple bushes or banana trees around. Guess I'm going to have the rare opportunity to both gather and fish in one day! It was rare that she moved this much. The first day was the most productive. She had fashioned a sword for chopping off bananas and a pike for fishing and then weaved her basket. That day was also the first day of the month when she would go hunting for food. 

She grabbed her basket and tied one of the straps around her shoulder. Then she gathered up her sword, her canteens, and her pike.  Just in case she was late and didn't have time to look for it. After double checking that she had everything she needed, she departed towards the tallest trees. The banana trees always grew right next to the tall shadier trees. 

I should also make a stop at my vineyard before I head back so I can have some wine tonight. Even though Medusa had lived on the island for almost 10 years, she still didn't have a house. She was convinced that a god would come and free her from her lonely prison before she needed that. However, one does not survive forever without wine so she began to grow a vineyard. She took a left and headed towards the grape trees. Her wine batch from a few weeks prior was due to be done and she needed to start another one. 

Once she was done filling her canteens with the sour wine, she headed towards the tallest trees. She arrived at the clearing a few moments later and saw her pineapple bushes and banana trees in full bloom. With a sigh, she grabbed her sword and started to harvest. She had filled her large basket to the top by the time she was done with a third of the trees and bushes. I'll have to come back another time. I need the exercise anyway. With that, Medusa turned and made her way back to the beach. 

"Hey Zeus? Next time you banish me, please insure that there will be cheeses here because I am craving some feta." She knew he wouldn't respond but sometimes she felt less alone screaming at the sky. As she nibbled on a pineapple she wondered if that wasn't the true punishment. 

Being lonely was so much worse than she could have guessed. No one was there or tell you yes or no or to talk to. No one to hate and no one to be friends with. The fruit began to taste sour in her mouth, so she stopped eating. It wasn't uncommon for her to think about what life was like before everything had happened. 

Before Athena had accused her of seducing Poseidon and before she had been cursed with the ability to turn everyone she looked at into stone. Medusa had long since cut off the snakes from her head. She bled for days as the snakes tried to reattach themselves to her skull. The water from the ocean washed over her head and restored her beautiful hair to how it once was. Medusa knew it was Poseidon from the moment the water began to heal her. It was an apology as was the island to her. It was the god of the sea's idea to banish her here and she couldn't help but thank him for it. However, she did still have a single dice snake that grew from her head right along the side of her right eye. That particular snake's name was Gorus. He was a bashful fellow but loves his fair share of grapes. 

She snapped out of her memory as she looked out upon the ocean. The sun told her she had few hours of daylight left. It's time to go hunting. Can't mess this up I've been waiting for this for weeks! She tied up the bottom part of her toga just below her hips to avoid making noise in the water. Then she grabbed her pike and a bag for the fish and headed out to sea. 

Once she was a few meters out from shore, she started to look down around her feet. Hundreds of mackerel of every size swam in a hurry around her feet. All in a hurry to mate or to give birth. Too bad it was to be one of their last days. With a lightning sharp reflex, she pierced the belly of a large mother fish. The rest of the fish swam away quickly while she tossed the fish into her bag. One down! About 5 to go! A few minutes later and she was done with all of her fishing. She took a step and noticed a fish that didn't blend in the with the rest of the fish in the area. It couldn't be. But it was. It was a small marlin that had come too close to shore. Much to close considering it was going to die. But before she could make a strike it began to head out to sea.  Oh no you don't! She dived down in pursuit. Her hand grazed the fin as she was thrown backwards by an enormous wave. 

A half second later and she was washed up on shore, coughing up blood and salt water. I have never seen a wave like that in all of my years of living here. She glanced up for the cause of the wave and noticed something resting on the beach. It was a large fish shaped shiny container. And hopping out of the container was a person. A person. A real person here! 

"Hello! Is there anyone here? I need some help fixing my boat. My driver had a heart attack at the wheel and I can't drive!" What was this 'boat' she spoke of? And who was this mysterious girl?

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